The 9 biggest revelations in the State IG report on Clinton’s emails

The State Department’s inspector general report on Wednesday offered little absolution for Hillary Clinton or several of her top aides who refused to cooperate with the investigation into the former secretary of state’s exclusive use of a private email server. The 83-page document, which was given to lawmakers and leaked to the press, noted systemic problems with records at the …

Steven Rosenfeld – Trump’s Top Campaign Adviser Made Millions From Arms Dealers, Warlords, Dictators and Oligarchs

Donald Trump’s top presidential campaign advisor is a world-class thug. Paul Manafort, who Trump brought on in March as his Republican Convention strategist and recently elevated to campaign chairman, has worked for notorious arms dealers, warlords, dictators and international tycoons who have left trails of unrest, mayhem and death or looted their country’s treasuries, according to a new report by …

Mike Lofgren – Blaming ‘Too Much Democracy’ for Trump

British expatriate writer Andrew Sullivan recently returned to the public eye with a piece that has aroused considerable comment, some of it reasonably on point, and some bloviatingly incoherent. What is all the fuss about? Sullivan, in critiquing the Donald Trump phenomenon and the political factors that gave rise to it, makes a few good points, but buries them under a ridiculous premise: The …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 05.26.16

Election theft has run rampant through the primary season as electronic irregularities, precinct elimination, racially unbalanced long lines and much more have again made a mockery of our alleged democracy.

Myla Reson of southern California opens the show with descriptions of the upcoming Golden State primary. She also tells us of a major upcoming election protection event in Santa Monica Sunday, May 29, at 3pm, featured at

John Brakey tells us of his lawsuit attempting to force a new primary in Arizona where precinct elimination resulted in long lines, massive disenfranchisement and an unlikely victory for Hillary Clinton.

Lori Grace of the Sunrise Center in the Bay Area tells of an attempt to establish independent exit polling in California, where it has been abolished for this critical primary.

Attorney Cliff Arnebeck discusses the new lawsuit filed in Columbus, Ohio, demanding original raw exit polling data to find out who actually did win the Buckeye State’s primary.

Attorney Bob Fitrakis, my co-author of The Strip & Flip Selection of 2016: Five Jim Crows & Electronic Election Theft, explains how at least 10 of this year’s primaries would be disqualified under international law, and how Bernie Sanders should probably be the legitimate democratic presidential nominee.

If you care at all about a real democratic process in this country, don’t miss this show….

Leid Stories – The Clinton Foundation: Money and Politics – 05.26.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor whose digging into the financials of General Electric in 2007-2008 proved that the conglomerate had fraudulently overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars, has been detailing exclusively on Leid Stories major financial and accountability problems with the international philanthropic conglomerate operating as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Today Ortel, who has charged that the foundation is engaging in massive charity fraud, takes us into the Clintons’ hidden world, where money, politics and power intersect. His sweeping overview puts into perspective many unanswered questions about how the foundation has managed to evade scrutiny; how the Clintons leveraged political power and influence for financial gain; and their “special” relationship with President Barack Obama.

Justin Raimondo – Kosovo: Hillary Clinton’s Legacy of Terror

The “liberation” of Kosovo unleashed radical Islamism in Europe Kosovo is Clinton Country: a 10-foot-high statue of Bill overlooks “Bill Clinton Boulevard” in the capital city of Pristina. Hillary is also memorialized in what has become the crime capital of Europe: right off the street named for her husband is a store named “Hillary,” featuring women’s clothing modeled after the putative Democratic party nominee for President. …

This Can’t Be Happening – 05.25.16

Greg Haddock, an activist in Germany with the #BernieOrBust movement that is urging Americans to pledge not to vote for Hillary Clinton if she gets, or steals, the Democratic presidential nomination from Bernie Sanders, talks about the campaign and about efforts to pressure Sanders to run in the coming General Election as an independent or as the Green Party’s candidate if he doesn’t get the Democratic Party’s nod.

Leid Stories – Feds Probing Clinton Foundation Ex-Board Member; The Clintons, Too? – 05.24.16

In a startling development related to yesterday’s program about the Clinton Foundation, news broke that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Virginia)—a close friend and political ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a former member of the foundation’s board—is the target of a joint FBI-U.S. Justice Department investigation, allegedly for taking illegal campaign contributions.

The probe speaks directly to the issue our guest, former Wall Street banker and investor Charles K. Ortel, returns to today: the highly questionable fundraising practices of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Ortel blew the whistle on General Electric in 2007-2008, after his own investigation of the financial records of the conglomerate revealed it had fraudulently overvalued its stock. Ortel says his own examination of the Clinton foundation’s financial records leads him to believe it is engaging in massive fraud under the guise of a philanthropic organization.

Haitian-born journalist Dady Chery, author of the recently published We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation, has written extensively on developments in Haiti and emerging nations for News Junkie Post. She joins Ortel in discussing the Clintons’ sordid history in Haiti.

Charles Derber and Yale Magrass – Trump Card: The Bully Who Exposes Our Bully Nation

Donald Trump’s flagrant bullying — much denounced even by the Republican Party establishment, with both President Bushes refusing to endorse him — is no sign that he will lose the presidential nomination or election. The dirty secret is that GOP leaders secretly admire and envy his power as a bully. Worse, Trump’s bullying resonates not only with his hardcore supporters, but also …

DAVID ROSEN – The Privatization of the Public Sphere

The Republican Party is consolidating behind Donald Trump and, on May 12th, House Speaker Paul Ryan kissed the ring of the party’s presumptive presidential candidate, thus sending a signal to other party hacks to get in line.  And the line is getting longer every day. Remarkably missing from the Trump-Ryan powwow was any mention of potentially contentious issues of Social …