Price of calling women crazy: Military women who speak out about sexual assault are being branded with “personality disorder” and let go

As all too many rape victims discover when they speak out, many react by just wishing the victim would shut up and go away. Most rapists attack someone they know, which means that holding them accountable means tearing apart whatever community — school, work, friend group — that the accused and accuser belong in. Often, it feels just easier to pressure the …

Dylan Matthews – I asked 5 fascism experts whether Donald Trump is a fascist. Here’s what they said.

Whatever else can be said about Donald Trump, he is fiercely individualistic. Indeed, a major part of his appeal comes from the fact that he’s untethered to any movement or party or even financial interests besides himself. The Republican establishment hates him. He has no affiliated politicians at other levels of government. He runs no party organization or really any …

Aviva Chomsky – The Battle for the Soul of American Higher Education

During the past academic year, an upsurge of student activism, a movement of millennials, has swept campuses across the country and attracted the attention of the media. From coast to coast, from the Ivy League to state universities to small liberal arts colleges, a wave of student activism has focused on stopping climate change, promoting a living wage, fighting mass …

Neal Gabler – Why Hating the Media Could Make the Difference in November

As the political pundits keep reminding us, this might be called the “hate” election. Both major parties’ presumptive nominees, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, have historically high net unfavorable ratings – so high that voters are said to be casting their ballots against a candidate rather than in favor of one. The question seems to be: Whom do you hate …

LORRAINE BERRY – Here’s what ‘social liberal but fiscal conservative’ millennials just don’t comprehend

In the past several days, the news media have been reporting from airports such as O’Hare or LAX where the lines to go through security are longer than the waiting list for Hamilton. Many of the folks standing in those lines have reported missing flights, which then creates flights that are overcrowded with the folks from the earlier connections that didn’t get made. Watching people …

Meria Heller Show – 05.22.16

Conversations with David.

Meria with David Icke. David kicks off his “Worldwide Wake Up Tour,” Tee shirts of Hillary & Trump – this choice is no choice, No political solutions, only spiritual ones, One party system, People are waking up, Keeping the people engaged, Divide and rule, Zionists backing Trump & Hillary, Inverted world-politics, Medicine, Media, It’s all frequency, Free yourself from the limiting 5 sense reality, Change your point of self-identity, Infinite awareness, Be in the world but not part of it, The word lie is in belief, The holographic self, Perception deception, Not easy breaking free, Social media psychopaths, Words are frequencies and lots more. As Meria says “The only ticket out of here is a spiritual one.”

DAVID KORTEN – Why This Is the Year of the Anti-Corporate Presidential Campaign

A recently released study by four leading economists of voting in U.S. congressional races uncovered an important pattern. According to a New York Times report on the study, “Areas hardest hit by trade shocks were much more likely to move to the far right or the far left politically.” Job losses, especially to China, the authors noted, lead voters to strongly favor …

SCOTT MCLARTY – About That Post-Bernie Movement

Now that it’s almost inevitable Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, the talk is turning to what will come out of Bernie Sanders’ campaign after the Democratic National Convention. Enthusiasm is growing for a post-Sanders movement. Khwaja Khusro Tariq writes “if one accepts that Hillary is the most likely Democratic nominee for president does that mean we pack it up and …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: What We Should Have Learned By Now – 05.18.16

As Election 2016 progresses toward various parties’ nominating conventions this summer, (for Republicans, July 18-21 in Cleveland, Ohio; for Democrats, July 25-28 in Philadelphia, Pa.; the Green Party, Aug. 4-7 in Houston, Texas; the Libertarian Party, May 27-30 in Orlando, Fla.), presidential hopefuls are in the final stretch of the primaries, looking to claim their spots as their parties’ standard bearers in the general election. The duopoly has outdone all other major parties in the still-ongoing battle of attrition. Donald Trump is the last person standing in the Republican field of 17; Hillary Clinton is being touted as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

By all indications, Election 2016 will be a watershed moment in U.S. electoral politics—though for reasons that should alarm even a casual observer. Leid Stories has been looking at this historical moment in terms of what politics and the political process have come to mean and be for the masses of people. We continue this discussion, focusing on what we are learning, or have learned, about our relationship to the political apparatus, and ways in which we can affect political outcomes through an increased consciousness and strategic use of power.

Prof. James Petras – Clinton and Trump: Nuclearized or Lobotomized? The Road to Nuclear War?

Over half the US electorate views the two leading candidates for the 2016 Presidential elections with horror and disdain. In contrast, the entire corporate mass media, here and abroad, repeat outrageous virtuous claims on behalf of Hillary Clinton and visceral denunciations of Donald Trump. Media pundits, financial, academic and corporate elites describe the prospects of her presidency as one of …