Clinton Campaign to Republican Donors: Hillary Shares Your Values

Late last week, Politico reported that Clinton operatives have initiated efforts to “peel off establishment Republicans who might otherwise grudgingly support Trump,” demonstrating their eagerness to win over big money donors previously wedded to the conservative establishment. Specifically, Clinton supporters have been targeting the donor base of Jeb Bush, whose main super PAC raised a striking $121 million, much of it before the race for the Republican …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 05.09.16

1) CA Overturn Citizens United Act and Let The People Vote Act

Michele Sutter, MOVI (Money Out Voters In) co-founder, is a writer, teacher, producer, and activist. She is a former Story Editor at HBO and a former co-chair of The 29th StreetProject, a New York City based theater artists’ cooperative. She also produced the 2009 Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award winning musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ The Wasps.

2) “Hillary Clinton Killed Berta!

Silvio Carrillo is an Oakland, California-based freelance journalist and nephew of Berta Caceres. You can follow the latest updates on her case at or Facebook and Twitter: @JusticeforBerta.

DAVID ROSEN – Poverty in America: the Deepening Crisis

Bernie Sanders has put inequality at the center of the 2016 presidential elections.  However much the corporate media attempt to turn the election into a personality contest between Clinton and Trump, inequality will not go away as the defining domestic election issue.  Whoever are the two major party presidential candidates, they will have to address the deepening problem of inequality. …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: The ‘Inevitability’ of Trump and Clinton, and Other Self-Fulfilling Political Prophesies – 05.09.16

They’re distrusted, even hated, by significant numbers of voters, but Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton inevitably will be the standard bearers of the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively, say the sycophantic media that created them, and one of them will lead us.

Leid Stories discusses another self-fulfilling prophesy: We’ll help it all happen.

ROB URIE – Hillary Clinton and the End of the Democratic Party

Liberal incredulity at Charles Koch’s (Koch Bros.) recent (soft) endorsement of Hillary Clinton — assertions that is was either a non-sequitur or a ploy to discredit her, was to dismiss the endorsement without answering the question: what about Mrs. Clinton’s policies, or those of any other establishment Democrat for that matter, could inheritance babies, oil and gas industry magnates and long-term supporters of …

Black Agenda Radio – 05.09.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with your host Glen Ford and co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– Thousands of teachers went on sick-out in Detroit, last Monday and Tuesday, shutting down the city’s public schools. The sick-out was led by Steve Conn, who was elected president of the local teachers union but deposed at the urging of the national American Federation of Teachers. Steve Conn and activists from the BAMN organization, By Any Means Necessary, have been holding teacher sick-outs since November, to protest Governor Rick Snyder’s efforts to privatize the public schools, which are already more than half charter.

– The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations plans events in a number of cities, to put together a National Black Political Agenda. The project came out of a Black Is Back Coalition national conference, in Harlem, last month. Coalition chairman Omali Yeshitela, explains.

– In Seattle, Washington, city councilwoman Kshama Sawant, head of the Socialist Alternative Party, has launched a petition calling on Bernie Sanders to run as an Independent candidate for president, after he fails to win the Democratic presidential nomination, in Philadelphia, this summer. Sawant says the nation needs a third party, to represent the 99 percent. But, what about the Green Party, which is already on the ballot – or will be – in a majority of states in November?

– Paul Street is an historian, an activist and author, who wrote early on that Barack Obama was a corporate politician who, as president, would side with Wall Street and the Pentagon. Paul Street’s latest book is titled, “They Rule: The One Percent Versus Democracy.” Street says Hillary Clinton will pull the Democratic Party even further to the Right, packing it with Republicans who prefer her to Donald Trump.

Jeff Stein – Bernie Sanders’s accusation that Clinton is running a “money laundering scheme,” explained

Bernie Sanders is still running for the Democratic nomination. And his campaign still has some attacks on Hillary Clinton. Early this week, after a Politico report examined the workings of Clinton’s fundraising apparatus, Sanders’s campaign accused Clinton of running a “money-laundering scheme.” At issue is Clinton’s “joint fundraising committee” — an organization set up to help Clinton raise money with the Democratic …

The Threat of Evangelical Clintons

After being proclaimed close to politically dead, Bernie Sanders resurrected his campaign with an upset victory over Hillary Clinton. Despite this win – many in the mainstream continue to portray Sanders and his allies as bordering on delusional. “Sanders declares war on reality” blared the headline of at least one major newspaper. This plays into a recurring narrative that Clinton is the epitome …

2000+ Doctors Declare: “It’s Time for Single Payer to be Back on the Table”

Despite limited advances provided by the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. healthcare system remains “uniquely wasteful” and profit-driven, leaving tens of millions without any insurance and even more underinsured. As a result, say leading physicians, “the right to medical care remains a dream deferred.” In an effort to finally realize that dream, thousands of medical professionals across the country have signed …