Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 04.25.16

Guest 1: Recap of Bernie Sanders / Clinton-Clooney Big money stunt. Watch the video here and enjoy.
Harrison compilation Video:

Guest 2: Actor Jessie Eisenberg. Jessie discussed his great new film “LOUDER THAN BOMBS” – A stunningly intimate portrait of parents and children and the many things that tear them apart and bring them together.

Guest 3: Chef Rossi – Chef has been the food writer for 16 years of the “Eat Me” column for Bust magazine, hosts her own hit radio show called “Bite This. Chef Rossi’s first edible memoir, The Raging Skillet: The True Life Story of Chef Rossi, is forthcoming from the Feminist Press!” As the owner and executive chef of “The Raging Skillet,” a cutting-edge catering company known for breaking any and all rules,
Chef has been named among The Knot’s Best Of Wedding Caterers for five years in a row, The Raging Skillet is in the hall of fame!

Almost Guest 4: Dee McMillan was not able to connect to the NYC studios but Harrison told her story and how she decided to take a negative and make it a positive for animals. Dee was bullied in Texas by other teens and called a Fat Whale. She decided to help instead of go down to the other teens level, Dee has raised over $10,700 for Save The Whales.

Black Agenda Radio – 04.25.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with Glen Ford and his co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– The number of charter schools has grown by leaps and bounds under President Obama and his so-called “Race to the Top” program. A new book is out, called the “Charter School Report Card,” authored by Dr. Shawgi Tell, a professor of Education at Nazareth College, in Rochester, New York. He says charter schools “lower the quality of education through privatization and marketization of schools.” Charter school boosters claim they provide better educational results. But Dr. Tell says there’s little evidence to support that.

– The number of young people put behind bars in the United States has gone down by 50 percent in the past decade. However, despite the overall decline, the disparity in Black youth incarceration has gone UP 15 percent over the past ten years. Josh Rovner, of The Sentencing Project, is author of a new report titled “Racial Disparities in Youth Arrests and Commitments.” We asked Rovner why the general rate of youth incarceration has gone down so dramatically.

– Skyrocketing student debt has emerged as a big campaign issue this presidential election season. Darletta Scruggs, of the Socialist Alternative Party, is helping put together plans for a Million Student March. Scruggs was recently interviewed on Your World News, by host Solomon Commisiong.

– A huge cache of leaked documents from a Panama bank showed that many world leaders, their families and associates are hiding billions of dollars in offshore banks. Wealthy Americans were not prominent on list, but that’s because it’s easy to hide money right here in the U.S., in states like Delaware. Chuck Collins is a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, in Washington. He wrote an article titled, “Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich.” Collins says different kinds of millionaires and criminals have different kinds of illicit banking needs.

– Mark Weisbrot is co-director of another progressive Washington think tank, the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Weisbrot keeps a keen eye on Latin American developments. He says that, back in 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed that the military overthrow of the elected president of Honduras was, somehow, NOT a coup.

Clinton Email Scandal: Is The State Department Part Of A Hillary Cover-Up?

Corruption: The State Department filed a secret court brief in an effort to hide tens of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails. What is in those emails that the State Department wants to cover up? If it’s classified material, there are ways to deal with that. Many of her already released emails had classified information redacted. What’s so special about these emails …

Hamid Dabashi – American democracy is rigged

This entirely undemocratic, arcane, draconian, and ipso facto rigged aspect of the US electoral system came to a crucial dead-end during the New York primaries of the Democratic and Republican parties on April 19, when Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump won their respective primaries. Decisive setback In many significant ways, the presidential primaries in New York were a turning point in …

KSHAMA SAWANT – The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%

Despite a decisive victory Tuesday providing further confirmation of her likely nomination, in many respects Hillary Clinton emerges from the New York primary more damaged, her party more divided, than she entered it. What came to be called The Battle of New York has served only to further expose what millions of people in the U.S. are becoming painfully aware …

ROBERT HUNZIKER – Global Warming and the Planetary Boundary

Climate change is on a fast track, a surprisingly fast, very fast track. As such, it’s entirely possible that humanity may be facing the shock of a lifetime, caught off-guard, blindsided by a crumbling ecosystem, spawning tens of thousands of ISIS-like fighters formed into competing gangs struggling for survival. Furthermore, what if the biosphere is already under stress by “planetary …

The Gary Null Show – 04.21.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these great topics and played a great video and testimonial. Click on the links below to learn more and improve your mind.

Mindful eating helps to lose weight—and keep it off
A plant-based polyphenol for improving wound healing discovered
Natural supplements, herbs, vitamins to help with OCD and breathing trouble, panic attacks & anxiety
Strength training helps older adults live longer
Testimonial: Kathy talks with Gary about how he helped her with cancer.
Video: Empire Files: Abby Martin exposes what Hillary Clinton really represents

T.A. FRANK – Why Democrats Are Becoming the Party of the 1 Percent

Rich Americans still have it pretty good. I don’t mean everything’s perfect: business regulations can be burdensome; Manhattan zoning can prevent the addition of a town-house floor; estate taxes kick in at over $5 million. But life is acceptable. Barack Obama has not imposed much hardship, and neither will Hillary Clinton. And what about Donald Trump? Will rich people suffer if he is elected president? …

Trends This Week – Clinton-Sanders – 04.20.16

Global forecaster Gerald Celente breaks down the reasons behind his Trends Research Institute’s forecast that when presidential candidate Bernie Sanders bows out of the Democratic primary, he’ll join Hillary Clinton’s campaign as her running mate. Hillary for president, with Bernie as running by her side for vice president, towers over any combinations on the radar now for the GOP. But does it matter? Elsewhere, Celente explains the economy is in a holding pattern; don’t be fooled by recent spikes. The market riggers have fewer and fewer tools to keep the economy on life support.

Peter Van Buren – Why Don’t the Candidates Talk About Afghanistan?

Heading into its sixteenth year, with no endpoint in sight, America’s longest war is its least talked about. Afghanistan has not come up in any Republican or Democratic debate, except perhaps as one of a list of countries where Islamic State must be destroyed (left out is the reality that no Islamic State existed in 2001 when the U.S. invaded …