Veena Trehan – Clinton’s Troublesome Record On Climate

In a recent exchange, Greenpeace activist Eva Resnick-Day thanked Clinton for tackling climate change then asked her to forgo fossil fuel funding, earning an odd response: “I have only taken money from employees of the oil and gas industry. I am so sick of the Sanders campaign lying about me.” Later on Meet the Press Clinton said she voted against Dick Cheney’s 2005 …

Robert Parry – Would a Clinton Win Mean More Wars?

The Democratic Party establishment seems determined to drag Hillary Clinton’s listless campaign across the finish line of her race with Bernie Sanders and then count on Republican divisions to give her a path to the White House. But – if she gets there – the world should hold its breath. If Clinton becomes President, she will be surrounded by a …

Naomi Klein -The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Her Corporate Cash. It’s Her Corporate Worldview.

There aren’t a lot of certainties left in the US presidential race, but here’s one thing about which we can be absolutely sure: The Clinton camp reallydoesn’t like talking about fossil-fuel money. Last week, when a young Greenpeace campaigner challenged Hillary Clinton about taking money from fossil-fuel companies, the candidate accused the Bernie Sanders campaign of “lying” and declared herself “so …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Wisconsin Primaries [Once Again] Exposes Dirty Party Politricks – 04.06.16

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the duopoly’s erstwhile “frontrunners” in yesterday’s Wisconsin primaries, both got trounced—Trump, by Ted Cruz, with 48.2-35.1 percent of the Republican vote; Clinton, by Bernie Sanders’ 56.6 percent of the Democratic vote to her 43.1 percent of the vote.

Experts and the media are busily dissecting the political upsets, attributing them to a wide range of factors, from personal appeal to campaign strategy and issues they championed. But there is little, if any, discussion about what the Wisconsin primaries really proved—that, once again, the system proved the process is rigged.

Hillary’s atrocious race record: Her stances over decades have been painful and wrong

“The idea that she is or ever has been a stalwart advocate for black empowerment is absolutely ludicrous” MUSA AL-GHARBI As an African-American, I have struggled to understand why so many of my black brothers and sisters seem to prefer Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Some have argued that black people are terrified at the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency, …


If one listens to the remarks of Hillary Clinton, her campaign staff, and any spokesperson from the network of super PACs helping her challenge Bernie Sanders, it becomes clear they believe Clinton is a rare and special breed of politician. They think she is someone who cannot, has never been, and will never be corrupted by large sums of money …

Revealed: The Chamber of Commerce Strategy to Kill Empathy of Its Members

Did you know that a high percentage of powerful business executives represented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce or its more local affiliates actually support an increased minimum wage, paid sick days for employees, extended maternity and paternity leave, and other progressive policies that benefit workers and families? If you didn’t, there’s a reason for that. Newly leaked materials—including results from …

Frankie Boyle – Donald Trump has the manner of an arrogant televangelist suspected of murder by Columbo

In this tumultuous US election there seems, for once, to be a genuine choice on offer about which kind of ideas will spend four years being thwarted in a congressional logjam. This year’s race has already spawned thousands of newspaper articles and even a Book of Revelation. It’s actually hard to find a clip of Donald Trump’s campaign that doesn’t look like …

Les Leopold – Is Hillary Clinton Running Away From Political Reality?

Team Hillary should be extremely worried. It’s not just that she has suffered landslide losses in the past five caucus states. It’s that she’s overwhelmingly lost the youth vote of all colors, everywhere, and she’ll never get it back. As this new Wisconsin poll shows: Sanders leads Clinton 49% to 43%. Sanders leads among all African-Americans 51% to 40%. Sanders leads …

The waning influence of American political parties

Young Americans don’t care much for political parties. According to the Pew Research Center, 48 percent of millennials (ages 18-33) identify as independents. That’s almost as many as identify as Democrats (28 percent) and Republicans (18 percent) put together. Political scientists are often skeptical about the independent option in surveys. Most individuals who choose to call themselves “independents” still vote consistently with one …