It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Cash Scrapped – 03.30.16

Kiss your cash goodbye! The word is that things would be more convenient, crooks would be confounded and diseases might be thwarted if we’d just get rid of filthy currency as the most essential form of personal financial liquidity. Currently circulating in the corridors of world financial powers, it may appear as an enlightened technical step forward to eliminate cash, but is it also a stalking horse for yet another way global bank interests can separate you from your assets? Ellen speaks with renown author and media figure Stephen Lendmen about why this idea is appearing now and what’s happening behind the scenes that’s moving it forward. Also behind the scenes is a huge and stark reality about municipal debt to Wall Street that the Public Banking Institute is targeting in its new project called What Wall Street Costs America. Co-host Walt McRee speaks with PBI’s Matt Stannard on this groundbreaking campaign.

Leid Stories – Obama Gets Schooled on U.S.-Cuba History; Hillary’s Supreme Deception About U.S. Supreme Court – 03.29.16

President Barack Obama’s historical and diplomatic slip ups on his recent trip to Cuba, duly noted and discussed on Leid Stories, are the subject of an essay by retired President Fidel Castro. Published yesterday in Granma, Castro schooled “Brother Obama” on a particular U.S.-Cuba history the Harvard grad should know.

Hillary Clinton is warning voters about a pending disaster—a Donald Trump appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Leid Stories unmasks Clinton’s supreme deception.

Chuck Spinney – The Pentagon’s Budget Time Bomb

Pentagon spending has not really been an issue in the 2016 Presidential campaign. With the exception of Ted Cruz, the positions of the remaining candidates have been vague about even the size of the defense budget. As near as I can tell: (1) Hillary Clinton’s position on the size of the Pentagon’s budget is that she will establish a blue-ribbon commission …

Leid Stories – Getting Berned: Sanders’ Devolution to the Un-Democratic Party – 03.28.16

Landslide victories over Hillary Clinton in Saturday’s Democratic primaries in Alaska, Hawaii and Washington have given “momentum” to Bernie Sanders’ campaign, the Vermont senator says. But where Sanders needs momentum most—in winning 2,383 of party’s delegates to clinch the nomination—he’s way behind Clinton and, worse, showing signs that his promised political revolution inevitably will be a devolution of standard party politics.
Leid Stories says Sanderistas should prepare for a sellout.

Ali Meyer – Health Insurance Premiums Rising Faster Than Wages

Health insurance premiums have increased faster than wages and inflation in recent years, rising an average of 28 percent from 2009 to 2014 despite the enactment of Obamacare, according to a report from Freedom Partners. President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010, andWednesday is the law’s sixth anniversary. The Obama administration expressed concern in 2009 about skyrocketing health …

Ralph Nader – Why Bernie Sanders was Right to Run as a Democrat

During a recent town hall in Columbus, Ohio, Sen. Bernie Sanders said the unthinkable. At least, you would have thought he did, judging by the response of several Democratic operatives. Sanders was deemed “extremely disgraceful” by Donna Brazile, vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, and “a political calculating fraud” by Brad Woodhouse, a former DNC communications director. What was …

Cynthia McKinney – America, we have a problem: Homelessness is out of control

It’s hard to imagine that the country that controls so much nuclear firepower and drops so many bombs every day is unwilling to educate its children and house its own people. The poor have been with us since there was an “us.” And, as much as I would like to see zero poverty in the United States, a country that spends trillions …

Ken Silverstein – Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Donor’s Flight From Justice Aided by Hillary Allies

Recent news reports indicate that the FBI is investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for granting favors to her family’s foundation donors and for its systematic accounting fraud. In January, the Sunday Times of London cited former Judge Andrew Napolitano, a conservative libertarian and frequent Fox News guest, as saying that the FBI was taking evidence “seriously” and that Hillary “could hear about that soon from …

Lori Wallach – The Choice Is Not Between TPP or No Trade

The high-profile presidential primary revolt against decades of damaging American trade policy finally has forced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) into mainstream media coverage. The usual free-trade-agreement cheerleading squad of chronic-job-offshoring corporations, Wall Street, agribusiness and their coterie of think tanks and pundits are unnerved. After spending billions in campaign contributions, lobbying and PR since the 1990s to enact our current …