The Clinton Global Initiative, the jewel in the crown of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation described as an incubator of ideas for tackling major issues and problems all over the world, officially will shut down after its last annual meeting (Sept. 19-21) in Manhattan.
Leid Stories—More Probes, More Evidence of Wrongdoing, But the Clintons’ Eyes Are On the White House—09.06.16
Sixty-two days before the general election and Hillary Clinton seems convinced that her only problem is beating Donald Trump to the presidency and claiming her “rightful” place in history. Yet she’s at the very center of a political and legal maelstrom that not only has signaled very rough road ahead for her, but in the home stretch has begun to unleash its ambition-blocking power.
iEat Green – Karen Pearl – 07.28.16
Karen Pearl, President & CEO of God’s Love We Deliver, joined the organization in September 2006, bringing with her over 30 years of experience in nonprofit leadership. During her tenure, Karen has expanded the organization’s capacity, increasing meal numbers by 94% and growing its advocacy program significantly to ensure access to services for those most in need. Karen co-authored a …
More Than One Vaccine Per Year Is Priming Children For Depression
Children currently receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six. Experts now claim more than one vaccine within a one-year period may be programming children for depression by creating over overactive immune systems. Carmine Pariante and his team at King’s College London recently found that some people may be more biologically sensitive to triggers for depression, and that …
Yearly cost of US premature births linked to air pollution: $4.33 billion
The annual economic cost of the nearly 16,000 premature births linked to air pollution in the United States has reached $4.33 billion, according to a report by scientists at NYU Langone Medical Center. The sum includes $760 million spent on prolonged hospital stays and long-term use of medications, as well as $3.57 billion in lost economic productivity due to physical …
The pill that costs $9,000 in US sells for $70 in India
The Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech might be the first to come out with a vaccine for the Zika virus if its efficacy can be proved. If it does succeed, this won’t be the first time India has come to the rescue of the world. Indeed, the country’s generic medicines are a lifeline for millions not only in low and middle-income countries but also in …
Love Lust And Laughter – 02.02.16
Michael Jonas and Brad Coates discuss ROMANCE as we ramp up to Valentine’s Day. Michael Jonas, co-creator of many romantic games – – joined Dr. Diana for the first half-hour. The same free downloads were offered again: go to his website and get a copy of either Romantic Interlude or Make-a-Date, using the code word Wiley. These games truly promote playful touch and supportive communication! To quote one enthusiastic user: “This game really helped us appreciate taking time to explore each other.” Brad Coates, author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY,” knows a thing or two about the importance of romance. He joined the program for the second half. We enjoyed Michael’s quote: “Texting and Tweeting is not touching and talking!” Most people need emotional and physical intimacy where they can turn off the world and turn each other on. Many are touch deprived and they yearn to talk more! Shared time becomes essential the more complex our daily lives become. On Valentine’s Day – or any day – always choose love, always choose love, always choose love!
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – The GI-MAP testing of the microbiota and implications for autoimmune disease management – 02.02.16
Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN,, interviews Dr. David M. Brady. Dr. Brady is a Connecticut and Vermont licensed naturopathic medical physician and certified clinical nutritionist and has been in clinical practice for 24 years. He is the vice provost of the Division of Health Sciences, director of the Human Nutrition Institute, and associate professor of clinical sciences at the University of Bridgeport. He is also the chief medical officer for Diagnostic Solutions Labs, LLC and Designs for Health, Inc., and practices at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield, CT, specializing in functional and nutritional medicine.
Dr. Brady works with Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory to develop and launch the first DNA/PCR molecular assay for GI pathogens performed on stool using an FDA-approved platform and methodology, the GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP). The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasites and another first for the market, viruses! This will help integrative and functional medicine physicians and providers determine the status of the gastrointestinal environment, which is critical in understanding why a patient may be experiencing various chronic conditions, with a particular eye towards autoimmune disorders. Contact:
Attack on Vaccine Choice Rolls East
As we predicted, more states are following in the footsteps of California and restricting parents’ freedom to protect their children’s health. Check below to see if your state is one of them. State-based Action Alerts! New York is considering a bill, S6017, that would eliminate all non-medical exemptions to vaccination. According to news coverage, Assembleyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, said …
How Quercetin Fights Aging
Quercetin (pronounced kwer-suh-tin) has been in the news recently, and for good reason. This yellow pigment is a flavonoid that occurs in apples, grape skin, red onions, and green tea. While quercetin’s presence in foods has long been recognized, it has only been lately that some of its remarkable effects have come to light. Quercetin’s recently discovered properties include protective …