Anti-Vaccinators and their Brave Fight Since the Smallpox Vaccine

With the development of the very first vaccination of smallpox, brave anti-vaccinators fought against the dangerous, ill-advised practice of vaccinations. Those fighting against vaccines included the most intelligent and respected physicians of their time. [1] This fight has been steadfast and continuous, as anti-vaccinators fought against an unjust, dangerous medical procedure. Vaccinations have always only profited the vaccine makers, not …

Rohan Desai – Bill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian Girls Used as ‘Guinea Pigs’ to Test HPV Vaccine

What philanthropy has to do with vaccines, we would wonder, especially if the philanthropist is Bill Gates. The world’s richest man decided to give away the massive wealth he had amassed by selling computers. It was a philanthropy that the world had not witnessed earlier. Mr. Gates, with his wife Bellinda, built up the foundation that would dispense wealth to …

More Than One Vaccine Per Year Is Priming Children For Depression

Children currently receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines before the age of six. Experts now claim more than one vaccine within a one-year period may be programming children for depression by creating over overactive immune systems. Carmine Pariante and his team at King’s College London recently found that some people may be more biologically sensitive to triggers for depression, and that …