Infectious Myth – Addiction is not a Disease – 11.10.15

In episode 79 David talks with Marc Lewis who has unique experience in the area of drug addiction, as both a former addict, and today a neuroscientist and professor of developmental psychology at Radboud University in Holland. He described his personal voyage into and out of addiction in his 2011 book, “Memoirs of an Addicted Brain”. His recently published book, “The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction is Not a Disease” is titled to illustrate his conclusion that addiction is desire gone wrong, and that the addict gets trapped into a vicious cycle of desire, use, disappointment, repeat. David observes that loneliness, separation and isolation are a common factor at the start of many addiction stories, and that drugs only worsen this (as does imprisonment, the other common approach to drug addiction).

For more information on Marc Lewis, see his Wikipedia page at:

The Gary Null Show – 09.24.15

[Ann – name she can go by] requested anonymity because she lives in KY and can be the victim of the system’s revenge and repercussions since it is so bad there. But she is Health Impact News main investigator on the ground in KY doing these investigations on child kidnappings through KY’s child services and the FBI investigations.

She’s the leading investigative reporter for Health Impact News and in Texas who has been researching Kentucky’s legalized child kidnapping and trafficking through its Child Protection Services and the profiteering behind this racket. The FBI is now conducting an investigation and has labeled Kentucky as “the most corrupt state in the country.” MedicalKidnap is the sole source for information on the growing number of incidences of medical and civil authorities kidnapping children through child protection services for misinformed medical reasons and profit. The websites are and