Replenish Me – 09.14.17

Fiona is a Midlife Empowerment Coach with a compassionate, down-to-earth and holistic approach to healing her clients on a mind, body and spirit level, so that they emerge totally reconnected to their inner power as they recover the courage to be themselves again. After being involved in not one but two car accidents over 25 years ago (only 3 months …

World’s Biggest Real Estate Frenzy Is Coming to a City Near You

If they were anywhere else in Beijing, the five young women in cowboy hats and matching red, white, and blue costumes would look wildly out of place. But here at the city’s biggest international property fair — a frenetic gathering of brokers, developers and other real estate professionals all jockeying for the attention of Chinese buyers — the quintet of …

Simon Black – War on Cash intensifies: Citibank to stop accepting cash at some branches

Less than a week after India’s surprise move to scrap its highest denomination cash notes, another front in the War on Cash has intensified down under in Australia. Yesterday, banking giant UBS proposed that eliminating Australia’s $100 and $50 bills would be “good for the economy and good for the banks.” (How convenient that a bank would propose something that’s …

TAMARA PEARSON – Mansions and Slums: the Inequality of Living Space

Australians have the biggest homes in the world. New free-standing homes are an average 245.3 sqm – three times bigger than UK homes, and 22 times bigger than the average Hong Kong home. For Australia, this space privilege shows up the all pervasive myth that the country has no room for refugees. But for the world, there’s a deeper story …

John Kiriakou – Kathleen Kane: Another Whistleblower Goes to Prison in America

ormer Pennsylvania attorney general Kathleen Kane is likely headed to prison. She was found guilty recently of multiple counts of perjury and criminal conspiracy for leaking grand jury information to a reporter. But Kathleen Kane is also a whistleblower. And like most whistleblower cases, there is more than meets the eye in this one, more than what the press would have you …

Telesur – Donald Trump Named in Latest Panama Papers Leak, Linked to 32 Offshore Companies

At least 140 politicians from more than 50 countries are linked to offshore companies. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been linked to anonymous companies created by the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, according to documents released by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists known as the ICIJ, according to an NPR report. The leaked documents show that the Trump …

Emily Bell – Edward Snowden: The Media Isn’t Doing Its Job

The Tow Center for Digital Journalism’s Emily Bell spoke to Edward Snowden over a secure channel about his experiences working with journalists and his perspective on the shifting media world. This is an excerpt of that conversation, conducted in December 2015. It will appear in a forthcoming book: Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in the Surveillance State, which …

Prof. James Petras – President Obama’s Race for the “Imperial Legacy”: A World of Chaos and Disintegration

President Obama is racing forward to establish his imperial legacy throughout Russia, Asia and Latin America.             In the last two years he has accelerated the buildup of his military nuclear arsenal on the frontiers of Russia.  The Pentagon has designed a high tech anti-missile system to undermine Russian defenses. In Latin America, Obama has shed his shallow pretense of tolerating the center—left electoral …