Paul Fassa – Federal Government Works with Pharmaceutical Companies to Prevent Natural Cures

In the United States today, the federal government controls which substances can be used to treat diseases, and which ones cannot. In general, only pharmaceutical drugs which can be patented are allowed. In many cases, either the FDA decides certain health claims about natural substances are invalid and bans it, or the DEA claims certain plants, such as cannabis, are …

Martha Rosenberg – After 20 Years and Many Billions, Pfizer Finally Admits That Opioids Are Addictive

It is no secret that opioids are addictive even when used as prescribed. That is why they were highly restricted until fairly recently. It is also no secret that there is no evidence of the long-term usefulness of opioids in chronic pain despite unethical Pharma marketing. Now Pfizer, the second biggest drug company in the world, has agreed to add …