Nordic Cochrane Center, a Danish research and information center is challenging the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) 2015 report on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines and the EMA’s position that HPV vaccine benefits outweigh the risks. After numerous reports of HPV vaccine-related brain and immune system injuries and deaths, the Danish Health and Medicines Authority asked the EMA to conduct the probe into HPV …
Prestigious Cochrane Challenges The European Medicines Agency About HPV Vaccines Harms
The Cochrane Nordic Center’s Director, Peter C Gotzsche, MD, MSc, filed a formal Complaint with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) May 26, 2016 regarding the EMA’s 40-page Assessment Report (Nov. 11, 2015) about the safety of the HPV vaccines, which are “supposed to decrease deaths from cervical cancer.” The Cochrane complaint cited ten serious concerns about EMA’s handling of information in its report; however, …
Victims of HPV Vaccine in Japan Will Sue State and Vaccine Makers
In the U.S., the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine has been a subject of controversy from the very beginning after Merck’s Gardasil vaccine was licensed in 2006.1 Japan is one of the many nations raising concerns about HPV vaccine following persistent reports that girls are suffering severe adverse effects after getting vaccinated.2 Controversy Surrounding Safety of HPV Vaccine in Japan Here is what …
Will Organic Cattle Be Pumped Full of GMO Vaccines?
We must act to maintain the integrity of organic standards! Action Alert! The semiannual meeting of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) will take place April 25–27 in Washington, DC. Because the NOSB makes decisions that, in large part, determine the future of organic foods (it’s the advisory board for the National Organic Program, or NOP), ANH-USA has been engaged with …
Catherine J. Frompovich – Are Vaccines Such “Holy Cows” That They Can’t Be Condemned?
The graphic below indicates that VACCINE-DERIVED POLIOVIRUSES have been known, and apparently tracked, since 1962 and yet those very vaccines are still being given to developing countries’ children under the guise of polio prevention! What is it that the pro-vaccine contingent doesn’t get? Apparently, pro-vaxxers may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, too! Vaccines cause the very diseases they …
Michelle Goldstein – Why MOST Medical Doctors Blindly Recommend Vaccinations
Multiple reasons explain why the vast majority of medically trained physicians support vaccinations. Physicians receive the majority of their training during medical school, which is heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies and government institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Both pharmaceutical companies and government organizations support a misguided agenda in which vaccinations are promoted as a …
Gary Null – HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal
Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive the three-shot series of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is the unchallenged assumptions that vaccine public mandates and physician recommendations are founded upon sound scientific and medical principles of safety and efficacy. This …
HPV Vaccine Rate At Lowest Participation, Dropping More Than 50 Percent Since The Inception of The Program
Vaccination rates are steadily decreasing worldwide, and as more parents now become informed of one of the most unscientific vaccines in the history of vaccination, the HPV vaccine uptake is now dropping more than 50 percent since its introduction in 2006. Two centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statisticshave shown conclusively and scientifically that modern medicine is not responsible for …
Jefferey Jaxen – Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?
The public, medical community and politicians throughout the world are witnessing a polarization regarding the safety of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. A historic, global backlash of parents [1], whose teenagers have been injured by the HPV shot, is currently threatening the very root of a multibillion dollar vaccine industry [2]. While families and communities at the grassroots level continue to organize to …
Michelle Goldstein – The Perfect Storm: Vaccination and Modern Malnutrition
We have the perfect storm for creating an environment that will continue to injure and destroy the health of our most precious gifts, our children. We live in America, which is the most highly vaccinated country on the planet. Vaccinations alone are responsible for tremendous health damage. We are also a country that consumes a highly processed, sugar-laden, vitamin-deficient diet, …