“It took the emergence of a grassroots movement against police terror, to wake a critical mass of Black folks to the reality of their condition.” Tuesday’s primary victories will allow Hillary Clinton to get busy planning her “big tent” general election crusade against racism and incivility, in the person of Donald Trump. It will be a corporate Democrat’s dream campaign, with …
Chris Hedges – Voting With Our Feet
Bernie Sanders’ political corpse in the presidential race is still warm, but some of his prominent liberal supporters already are urging us to flee to Hillary Clinton. Sanders, who knows the game is up, will soon become the Democrats’ pied piper. He will seek to entice his supporters into the Democratic Party rattrap. He has decried the disruption of Trump rallies—denigrating …
Daniel Barker – VA hospital kills more American soldiers than our enemies
The extent of the shameful neglect on the part of the Department of Veterans Affairs toward sick veterans seeking health care is only now becoming apparent. A leaked document has revealed that more than 238,000 veterans died while their applications for treatment were pending. That’s nearly one-third of the more than 800,000 veterans with pending VA health care applications. The …