In depth look at Propaganda and Censorship of alternative media and the internet, and the history of the government’s use of the media as a weapon against democracy and citizens Prof Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of media, culture and communications at New York University where he specializes in modern propaganda, history of advertising, film and the major media. He is …
The Gary Null Show – 03.21.18
Propaganda and Censorship of alternative media and the internet Prof Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of media, culture and communications at New York University where he specializes in modern propaganda, history of advertising, film and the major media. He is the lead chief editor of the series Forbidden Bookshelf, which republishes important books that have censored, banned, ignored or …
LOA Today – 10.12.17
Moving right along, in Chapter 8 of Ask And It Is Given, by Abraham-Hicks, David and Walt continue our discussion by exploring the concept covered in this chapter, “You are a vibrational transmitter and receiver.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Meditations and Molotovs – 10.24.16
Today, Vince speaks with author, activist and global citizen Deena Stryker about her book, “Cuba: A Diary of the Revolution” (Tayen Lane).
Chris Hedges – The Empire Strikes Back
A decade ago left-wing governments, defying Washington and global corporations, took power in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay, Bolivia and Ecuador. It seemed as if the tide in Latin America was turning. The interference by Washington and exploitation by international corporations might finally be defeated. Latin American governments, headed by charismatic leaders such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Luiz Inácio …
Expat Files – 09.23.16
#1-Food shopping at a big, chaotic, outdoor Latin market is a real adventure. Contrary to what these places look like- blind alleys, weird sights and smells- they really are totally safe and fun. So don’t worry if you’re the only gringo/gringa in a sea of a hundred plus short, brown faces. You’ll always be treated like a special visitor. However, …
Are Claims the US is Sabotaging Venezuela’s Economy Far Fetched?
As US-backed opposition groups take to the streets of Venezuela, following previously failed US-backed uprisings to effect regime change in the South American nation, Western analysts are particularly optimistic about the chances of success now considering the teetering state of Venezuela’s economy. The UK Independent in an article titled, “Venezuela accuses US of plotting coup as Washington warns of ‘imminent …
Expat Files – 06.05.16
#1- The Venezuelan crisis: 101 things you never knew but really should
#2– Confucious say, “Select your words carefully… for someday you may have to eat them”. Today we discuss a short list of first-world Hollywood and Media blockheads who repeatedly have sucked up to Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro. And yes, now they are eating their fawning, doting, idiotic words.
#3- The vast majority of people working on an escape plan or “Plan B” have heard that- as US citizens- they cannot open foreign bank accounts anymore unless they have created an S.A. corporation or have obtained legal residency in that foreign country. That’s only partly true. Today we explain other faster, simpler and much cheaper way.
#4- Latin supermarkets and tiendas sell all types of table salt and many of the cheap brands contain not only iodine but FLOURIDE!!! Does that mean when you eat out you’re continously getting dosed? Not necessarily so and here’s why..
#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to:
#6- Visit me Johnny(and expat super blogger John Galt) at where you get real “boots on the ground” info, experienced expat blogs and terrific one-of-kind reports.
Progressive Commentary Hour – 05.17.16
On the “Progressive Commentary Hour,” Gary talks about the European Union and what will happen if the TIPP comes to exist.
Here is the full video for you to enjoy: BREXIT – The Full Movie. BREXIT, the movie is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum.
Gary plays two great clips from Noam Chosky and Yanis Varoufakis. Here is the info and links for them:
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on why TIPP is not a trade agreement – “Highly protectionist” and “for the benefit of private powers”
VIDEO: Yanis Varoufakis on Hillary Clinton – Ex-Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis had a few choice things to say about Hillary Clinton. Video from Business Insider.
Lastly on today’s show, Gary talks to the great Greg Palast. Here is a brief bio of Greg:
Greg Palast is a journalist’s journalist whose news breaking stories and investigations have appeared on BBC, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, now Rolling Stone and others. The Tribune in the UK has called Greg “the most important investigative journalist in our time.” Greg broke the stories of voter theft in Florida districts during the 2000 Bush-Gore election, BP’s corruption over the Deep Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf, the Bush administration’s secret pre-invasion plans to capture Iraq’s oil fields, and US’s attempted coups against Hugo Chavez. He has won many awards including the George Orwell award for Courage in Journalism. He holds an MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago and authored several books including “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits” and “Armed Madhouse” and “Vulture’s Picnic.” He is currently making a new full feature documentary – the Best Democracy Money Can Buy. You can read Greg’s reports at
These Are the World’s Most Miserable Economies
Thanks to off-the-charts inflation, Venezuela will probably retain the dubious honor of being the most miserable economy for a second year. Galloping inflation at an annual average of 98.3 percent last year alongside 6.8 percent unemployment earned the South American country the runaway top spot on the 2015 misery index. With no end in sight for Venezuela’s economic woes — estimates in Bloomberg surveys predict consumer price growth of …
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