The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and United States Senator of California Dianne Feinstein, who has built a reputation as an independent voice, working with both Democrats and Republicans to find commonsense solutions to the problems facing California and the nation.
A Just Cause – Importance of Re-entry from Prison to Society – 01.15.17
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with Our Special Guests for tonight’s show are Mommie Activist Karen Garrison, who’s twin sons were wrongfully convicted and Attorney Malcom Young, who heard about many accounts of returning prisoners who, despite doing everything required of them, were unable to find work.
Dr Claudio Schuftan – Human Rights and Health Inequality. A Worldwide Phenomenon
THE MOST COMMON DESCRIPTION OF HEALTH INEQUALITY TRENDS AMONG AND WITHIN COUNTRIES IS THAT HEALTH INEQUALITIES ARE INCREASING: A CLEAR INFRINGEMENT OF THE HUMAN RIGHT TO HEALTH. This text is mostly abstracted from chapter 18 of the International Panel on Social Progress, 2016 -Inequality in health is a morally significant fact in itself. –A purely biomedical understanding of diminished health …
South Sudan on brink of genocide – one more victim of western policies in Africa
Human rights organizations, genocide watch groups and the UN secretary-general are warning of a potential genocide in South Sudan, the world’s youngest country, and asking the UN Security Council and regional leaders to take action. “All of the early warning signals for mass atrocities in South Sudan are there,” a special commission to South Sudan reported at a UN Human …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.21.16
Involuntary treatment has led to untold numbers of individual abuses, rampant torture in state hospitals, ECT and lobotomy, neurotoxic drugs, gross offenses against constitutional and human rights, and crimes against humanity. At the Nuremberg Doctors’ trials, involuntary psychiatric “euthanasia” would be described as an entering wedge into the Holocaust. Esteemed Danish medical researcher Peter Gøtzsche, MD, and I confront the horror of involuntary treatment from personal, ethical, scientific, constitutional, and political perspectives. This could be the best and most lively discussion of coercion in psychiatry you will ever hear. Extremely important for understanding the menace of psychiatry. Please tell others about this important hour, the third of four consecutive talks with Peter Gøtzsche.
Connect The Dots – Empire of the Fossils: Wrong Direction on Energy Policy – 12.14.16
Listen to Steve Horn, journalist reporting on DeSmogBlog discussing how the projected Trump Administration energy policy and appointments will accelerate climate chaos in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis – 12.11.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis, who has distinguished himself as an articulate voice for his constituents and as an effective legislator able to move major bills to passage. He has developed a unique and energetic style of communication and interaction with his constituents setting up dozens of advisory task forces to consider significant questions of public policy.
Nadia Prupis – Canada Accused of Complicity in Mining Companies’ Abuse of Women and Girls
The Canadian government is failing to protect women against human rights abuses by supporting and financing mining companies that are involved in discrimination, rape, and violence abroad, according to a new report submitted to the United Nations on Monday. The report (pdf), written by EarthRights International (ERI), MiningWatch Canada, and the Human Rights Research and Education Center Human Rights Clinic …
Janet Walsh – Mass Rapes to Mass Protests: Violence Against Women in 2016
From historic convictions to impunity for gang rapes, 2016 has been a year of highs and lows when it comes to efforts to stem violence against women. The annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (November 25-December 10) are a time to take stock of progress and failings in combatting this pervasive human rights abuse. In March, the International Criminal Court …
Focus on the Facts – 11.14.16
Guest was Kevin Galalae, Founder and Director of the Center for Global Consciousness and the most most informed expert in the world on the UN’s global depopulation agenda and socially engineered genocide with covert chemical and biological agents used all over the world since 1945, including vaccines, Fluoride in water, GMO foods and pesticides, Geoengineering and chem trail spraying.