Focus On The Facts – 01.23.18

Patricia Negron and I covered the latest details on the take-down of the Global Pedophile Network and progress of the Trump Administration in stopping the Global human trafficking networks. Also discussed the Pope now accusing victims of sexual abuse by priests of slandering the priests and the nuclear meltdown taking place on Capital Hill and the revelation by Q of …

Focus on the Facts – 02.27.17

Guest was George Webb. Discussed the Pizzagate Scandal and the involvement of the Clinton Foundation, the CIA, DynCorp, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, George Soros, and the NGOs in the Global human trafficking and organ havesting networks.

Focus on the Facts – 12.05.16

Discussed the depopulation agenda and the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Ruth Goodyear a nurse and mental health professional in Canada who has done recovery work with victims of Satanic ritual abuse.

Focus on the Facts – 11.28.16

Monday’s Focus on the Facts discussed the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the Washington pedophile network and the politicians involved in the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Amy James, a long time advocate for children’s rights.

Sex Trafficking Survivor Says It’s Time to Stop Glamorizing Prostitution

(WOMENSENEWS)—When I was 18 years old, I fell in love. I had met a man near the University of Oregon campus who seemed to love me as much as I loved him. Even though I was a promising high school student, varsity athlete and on the honor role, I had a vulnerability. I found myself, between high school and college, …

Focus on the Facts – 07.25.16

The first guest today was Jason Leopold, an investigative reporter who has covered Guantanamo Bay, national security, human rights, open government, and civil liberties. He is called a “FOIA Terrorist” by federal employees for his aggressive use of the Freedom of Information Act. In the latest response to a FOIA request, the US State Department revealed that Hillary Clinton exchanged nearly two-dozen top secret emails from her unsecured, private server with three senior aides while she was Secretary of State. The second guest was David Shurter, a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor who was tortured in the MK Ultra program until the age of 10. David became involved with the key players in the Franklin Credit Union Scandal in Omaha in the 1980s because the players were his parent’s friends. The scandal involved a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington DC, that traded young children to politicians and other wealthy people in the US for sexual abuse, human trafficking, drug trafficking and blackmail.

Focus on the Facts – 06.20.16

The guest was David Shurter, who was born into a Luciferian family and was tortured in the MK Ultra program as a sex slave until the age of 10. David was involved the the Franklin Scandal in Omaha, Nebraska because the key players were his parent’s friends. The Franklin scandal involved a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington DC, that traded children to top politicians and wealthy people for sexual abuse, human trafficking, drug trafficking and blackmail. One of the people who raped David was the now deceased Supreme Court Justice, Anthony Scalia.

Focus on the Facts – 06.13.16

The guest was David Shurter, who was born into a practicing Luciferian family in Omaha, Nebraska. He was tortured in the MK Ultra program until the age of 10, after he was forced to light a man on fire. David was involved with the key players of the Franklin Scandal in Omaha because they were his parent’s friends. The scandal involved a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington DC, that traded young children to wealthy people and politicians in for sexual abuse, human trafficking, drug trafficking and blackmail.