Leid Stories—Nkrumah Envisions A United African World—02.14.18

On June 4, 1962—two years after a plebiscite ratified a new constitution and Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was elected the first prime minister and president of the Republic of Ghana, a Conference of African Freedom Fighters was held in Accra, the nation’s capital. Nkrumah had led Ghana, formerly known as The Gold Coast, to independence from Britain in 1957. He …

The Torch – 01.16.17

Comedian and activist Randy Credico on his subpoena before the House Intelligence Committee, association with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and the truth behind Roger Stone. Credico says he’s the victim of a modern day witch hunt that presages a new political inquisition similar to the dark days of McCarthyism and the black list. Immigration lawyer Eugene Goldstein on DACA and …

Black Agenda Radio – 09.18.17

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: The United States has tens of thousands of nuclear weapons, and North Korea only has a handful, but the U.S. claims that North Korea is the greatest danger to world peace; and, author and historian Paul …

The Gary Null Show – 01.31.17

Today on a speical episode of The Gary Null Show, Gary covers a deep commentary on the topics going on in today’s world with Donald Trumo and the deporting. Gary plays a insightful audio clip by Ben Swann titled. Opportunistically Outraged? Protesters who are furious that Donald Trump wants to deport 3 million immigrants but silent as President Obama has actually done it. “Let that sink in, President Obama has deported more immigrants than every President of the 20th century combined. In the first half of the program Gary covers the latest in health and healing talking about working out, green tea benefits and how to live a longer life.

Andrea Germanos – Sanctuary Cities Vow to Defend ‘Basic Human Decency’ From Trump

With Donald Trump‘s inauguration just over a month away, it will soon become clear whether he intends on using beginning days in the White House to try to follow through on his promise to end federal funding for sanctuary cities. Scores of such cities, however, are standing resolute, with officials from over three dozen of them publicly reaffirming their commitment …

Andrew J. Santos – The Donald Trump Agenda

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has based his candidacy on being an outsider who will “make America great again”. Trump is perceived as going against the political establishment, particularly because he is not a career politician who is owned by lobbyists. Trump has delved into various issues, such as tax and trade reform; however, his presidential run has predominantly …

DANIEL LIPPMAN – The Economist rates Trump presidency among its top 10 global risks

A Donald Trump presidency poses a top-10 risk event that could disrupt the world economy, lead to political chaos in the U.S. and heighten security risks for the United States, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. Electing Trump could also start a trade war, hurt trade with Mexico and be a godsend to terrorist recruiters in the Middle East, according …

Brian Shilhavy – Government Investigation Confirms Children are Trafficked in the U.S. – Modern Day Slavery

The trafficking of children and sexual slavery world-wide is a global epidemic. Most of the public’s image of such horrific examples of modern-day slavery evoke images of poorer countries where this problem is well-documented. However, a new government investigation confirms that the problem of trafficking children and modern-day child slavery is a very real problem right here within our own borders. Sen. …

Steven Rosenfeld – 8 Ways the Super Wealthy Show Their Cruel Values and Desire to Destroy the Public’s Safety Net

The richest Americans increasingly are taking over the levers of power and shaping the political debate, despite opposing views held by a majority of Americans, a new and unprecedented academic study of the top 1 percent has confirmed. The super-rich are more politically active than average Americans, financing and contacting elected officials and knowing many on a first-name basis. Their …

Robert Scheer – Fools, Fascists and Cold Warriors: Take Your Pick

Are they fools or fascists? Probably the former, but there was a disturbing cast to the second GOP debate, a vituperative jingoism reminiscent of the xenophobia that periodically scars Western capitalist societies in moments of disarray. While the entire world is riveted by the sight of millions of refugees in terrifying exodus attempting to save drowning and starving children, we …