There is an irrefutable argument in favor of happiness: Happiness and good health go hand-in-hand and scientific studies have been finding that happiness can make…
Increased meat in ancient hominin diets, beginning about 3 million years ago, meant that guts (large and small intestines) could become shorter because they could…
Treatment and prevention of life-threatening infections could be improved by research that reveals how bacteria are kept in check. Researchers have discovered how the immune…
Asthma is big business for Big Pharma. Advair was the third best selling drug in the world in 2013 and the asthma drugs Singulair and Symbicort were also blockbusters. So it…
Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive…
Whether you love garlic or can't stand the stink, there is no denying that this bulb provides a treasure trove of healthy benefits. Garlic (Allium sativum)…
Humans have experienced two centuries of vaccine orthodoxy. That orthodoxy dictates that we believe vaccination is safe and effective and should be mandated by governments.…
Chronic inflammation in the bloodstream can “fan the flames” of depression, much like throwing gasoline on a fire, according to researchers. The study, which appears in…