Transforming all donated blood into a universal type

Every day, thousands of people need donated blood. But only blood without A- or B-type antigens, such as type O, can be given to all of those in need, and it’s usually in short supply. Now scientists are making strides toward fixing the situation. In ACS’ Journal of the American Chemical Society, they report an efficient way to transform A …

‘Safe’ low doses of mercury linked to autoimmune disease, children still injected! – L.J. Devon

When it comes to mercury contamination of seafood, scientists and environmentalists ring the alarm, warning consumers that eating too much fish can expose the body to toxic amounts of mercury. When it comes to mercury in vaccines, however, it’s a much different story. Scientists often ignore the fact that children and adults are routinely injected with thimerosal, a mercury derivative …

Morgellons Disease Finally Hits The Mainstream Media

Joni Mitchell is one of the most beloved of folk singers from the 1960’s protest and 70’s hippie era. She endeared many fans to her simple and sincere form of “music with a conscience.”  Therefore, it is no surprise that she would somehow be chosen to confer legitimacy to a skin-crawling disease known as Morgellons. In addition to being known as the Plague …

Mothers Hepatitis B infection may give infants a better survival advantage to counteract bacterial infection during early life.

A Singapore led study has shown that Hepatitis B Virus Infection (HBV) exposure increases the immune system maturation of infants, which may give a better survival advantage to counteract bacterial infection during early life. These findings radically modify the way that HBV vertical infection of neonates (mother-to-child) is portrayed, and present a paradigm shift in the approach to treatment of …

Flu Vaccine-Related Miscarriages May Outnumber Swine Flu Deaths

By, Dr. Gary Null February 12, 2010 Lucy was having a normal, healthy pregnancy without any complications until she received the H1N1 vaccination. On a pregnancy support website, she commented, “I should be 11 weeks pregnant today. I had an appointment with my OB/GYN and was told (from info of ultrasound) that my baby stopped growing on the exact day …

Adults only really catch flu about twice a decade, suggests study

Adults over the age of 30 only catch flu about twice a decade, a new study suggests. Flu-like illness can be caused by many pathogens, making it difficult to assess how often people are infected by influenza. Researchers analysed blood samples from volunteers in Southern China, looking at antibody levels against nine different influenza strains that circulated from 1968 to …

How Root Canals Could Spark Autoimmune Diseases

Are root canals safe? Dr. George Meinig, author of Root Canal Cover-Up, was a founding member of the American Association of Endodontics. He quit the association later in his career after he saw firsthand the adverse affects that root canals have on the immune system. Dr. Meinig also witnessed the irreparable damage to the jaw bone caused by the infected cavitation sites …