Kelly Brogan, M.D. – Depression: It’s Not All in Your Head

No, it’s not “all in your head.” Depression and all of its relatives are manifestations of glitches in the immune system and inflammatory pathways—not a neurochemical deficiency disorder. Psychiatry: A Very Special Specialty Psychiatry, unlike other fields of medicine, is based on a highly subjective diagnostic system. Essentially you sit in the office with a physician, and you are labeled …

Heather Callaghan – Are Supplement Hit Pieces A Natural Health False Flag?

Like a script from a movie you already know the ending to; each year we can expect a hoax study or attack on anything that is not FDA approved. It is with great hope that the average person will have enough sense to see through the latest propaganda of “debunking” all supplements based on faulty, cheap ones and those investigated …

Big Pharma: How They Manipulate American Medical Doctors By Dr. Gary G. Kohls

 “The pharmaceutical companies are an amoral bunch. They’re not a benevolent association.  So they are highly unlikely to donate large amounts of money without strings attached. Once one is dancing with the devil, you don’t always get to call the steps of the dance.”—A psychiatrist, quoted in the Boston Globe, 2002. The New England Journal of Medicine, under the editorship …