The data, as reported by IMS Health, the largest and most credible source of prescribing data in the United States, is staggering: 274,804 babies, 370,778 toddlers and 500,948 preschoolers have been prescribed psychiatric drugs so powerful that they carry 386 international drug regulatory warnings. In total, the number of 0-5 year olds prescribed dangerous and life-threatening drugs psychiatric drugs is …
Jim Hightower – How Big Pharma Is Trying to Improve Its Image
Big news, people! Especially for those of you upset by the skyrocketing prices of the essential prescription medicines you take — including thousands of patients who were hit last year with a 5,000 percent price increase for one lifesaving drug! Determined to do something about those despised price hikes, drugmakers themselves have reached into their corporate toolbox for the two …
Prescription Drug Spending Jumps to All Time High in 2014 – Brian Wu
According to a report from the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics , Americans spent more money on drugs than they ever have before with spending jumping by 13% to $374 billion, driven by innovative but expensive new drugs designed to treat Hepatitis C. The new hepatitis C drugs accounted for more than $11 billion of the spending with the influx …