Trends This Week – Economic flash points to watch – 10.18.17

Rising interest rates are in the offing. The high-end real estate sector is in decline. China, Russia and India are buying gold. And cryptocurrency markets are on fire as the world goes cashless. What do these and other economic indicators signal: Stage 1 Recession is nearing. And Gerald Celente explains what that means. Download this episode (right click and save)

Ask Beatty – 07.03.17

Could your anxiety or depression masquerade as an as-yet undiagnosed physical disorder?  And could your physical aches and pains be caused by anxiety or depression? Be consumer savvy and make sure that your practitioner has a mind/body perpective of who you are BEFORE making any final diagnosis.   Listen to ‘graduate’ messages from the Dalai Lama, Billie Jean King, Oprah …

Ask The Blood Detective – Stress – What You Don’t Know Could Kill You! – 05.20.17

Join Dr. Michael Wald, DC, Board Certified Nutritionist and he reveals how the stress response can help or cause disease. Dr. Wald, host of Ask The Blood Detective, says, “knowing how the stress response works in the body is the secret of avoiding stress-caused disease. In fact, you can ‘use’ the stress response for healing.”  Dr. Wald will answer questions …

The Gary Null Show – 05.17.17

the need for a new paradigm and global revolution in agriculture to bring our soil back to life and preserve food security Prof. David Montgomery is a geomorphologist  & environmentalist in the Earth and Space Sciences division at the University of Washington’s College of the Environment in Seattle. Dave specializes in the evolution of geological topography and the influence of geomorphological processes …

It’s All About Food – Guest: Ken Voelker, Elmhurst Milked – 05.02.17

Part I: Ken Voelker, Elmhurst Milked Ken Voelker is Elmhurst Milked’s Vice President of Marketing and Brand Development. He brings twenty years of dairy experience and 30 years of retail grocery experience to the company, having started his career at Tops Market in 1988. After successfully running his own business for nine years, Ken joined Sorrento/Precious Cheese as a product …

Economic Update – Capitalism and Democracy – 03.26.17

Updates on Puerto Rico, slave labor in the cocoa fields, worsening UK inequality, leaders imposing austerity on others, Canada’s Girl Guides among tourists to shun US. Major discussions: rising US wage inequality; connection and opposition between capitalism and democracy; key differences between capitalist and worker-coop enterprises.

Energy Stew – Jennifer Gehl – 03.10.17

Are your cosmic foundations in place? – Energy Stew interview with Jennifer Gehl

We are complex, multi-dimensional beings who are affected by many cosmic forces. The more we are aware of them, the more we can manage them, at least to some degree.

We can make better choices when we know more about ourselves.

Jennifer Gehl has written a wonderful, richly detailed book about the dynamic, energetic nature of the reality we live in, “The Science of Planetary Signatures in Medicine”.

You’ll enjoy this interview that will cover many deep understandings that she writes about.

The Personal Computer Radio Show – 03.01.17

Wednesday March 1, 2017 – 6:00 PM ET

o Massive Internet outage is sweeping the East Coast
o Unlimited plans: Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T and Sprint, compared
o H-1B visa cap is set at 85,000 – April 1st Lottery

o Internet of Things – Cloud Your Judgement – Marty Winston
o Wearable Tech – Alfred Poor
o Computer Tips for Busy People – Joe Rejeski