Paul Buchheit – How American Life Continued to Deteriorate in 2016

The reality of the disposable American has been building up in recent years, and new evidence keeps pouring in. Now the potential exists for greater suffering under the rule of a billionaire Cabinet that is far, far removed from average workers and renters and homeowners. First the “Upside” — 5% of Us Are Millionaires Depending on the source, America has anywhere from 7 million to 13.5 million millionaires …

Graham Vanbergen – Shadow Banking verses Global Hunger

Banking Verses Humanity – FactVILE Fact: Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. VILE – Seven years after the global financial collapse, regulators and investors are still working through an epic pile of lawsuits and other …

Sayer Ji – Suboptimal Breastfeeding Kills Over 1 Million Infants A Year

A recent review published in the journal Archives of Disease In Childhood titled, “Marketing breast milk substitutes: problems and perils throughout the world,” revealed a disturbing statistic: Currently, suboptimal breastfeeding is associated with over a million deaths each year and 10% of the global disease burden in children The review also highlighted an embarrassing fact of US history: On 21 …

Sarah Lazare – USA: The Global Superpower That Once Again Fails Infant Mortality Test

Federal data released Thursday shows that the infant mortality rate in the United States remains one of the worst in the developed world, at three times the rate of Japan, Norway, and Sweden and double that of Ireland. The report from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found that 5.96 out of every …

The best health care system in the world? Nonsense! – Wendell Potter

Americans spend more per capita on health care than people anywhere else in the world, yet outcomes in every other developed country are better on almost every measure, from infant mortality to life expectancy. A big reason for that is our collective gullibility. We continue to believe what many politicians tell us, despite evidence to the contrary: that we have the …

U.S. Rates Worse for Maternal Health

According to a new report conducted by the State of the World Mother’s, the United States ranks 33 out of 179 countries surveyed for maternal health. [1] Just last year, the U.S. was at 31. How can a country so developed be drastically behind other countries in taking care of mothers and their newborns? Could it be the medical establishment in the …

New Study: Goats Who Eat Monsanto GM Soy Produce Abnormal Milk – Christina Sarich

Monsanto likes to say (with the FDA’s help) that their Round Up Ready GM soy is substantially equivalent to its non-GM counterparts. But a new study proves that GM-fed goat milk is completely abnormal – is human milk next? Is it any wonder that the US has such a high infant mortality rate compared to other ‘civilized’ nations? (Ours is more than twice the …

Mississippi First in Infant Vaccination Rates – Highest Infant Mortalities

Mississippi has the highest rate of childhood vaccination because it is one of only two states in the U.S. that does not allow parents a choice regarding vaccines, as a requirement for attending school. Only a medical doctor can provide an exemption, as religious and philosophical exemptions are not allowed. The Clarion Ledger was obviously proud of their vaccination rates, …