Infectious Myth – Sinead McCarthy on Undisturbed Birth – 08.04.15

In episode 68 David talks with Sinead McCarthy about undisturbed or unassisted birth, in which a woman, and her partner, take full responsibility for the birth, without even a doula or midwife. They talk about the medicalization and institutionalization of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding, and how birth is a natural process that can be reclaimed by mothers.

Sinead recommends the writings of Sarah Buckley, MD, author of “Gentle Birth. Gentle Mothering” ( and of Michel Odent, MD, a male surgeon who pioneered a much more natural and humane approach to birth ( She also recommends the website of two midwives who opted out of licensing to gain more freedom:

Sinead’s own website is:

Coincidence Disorder Reaching Epidemic Levels – Levi Quackenboss

Parents of disabled children, desperate to blame someone for their bad genetics or inexplicable acts of God, have taken to social media in recent years as a “vocal minority” to blame their woes on life-saving measures whose side effects we all know are exceedingly rare:  vaccines. As much as our hearts break for these parents raising non-verbal autistic children in …

U.S. Rates Worse for Maternal Health

According to a new report conducted by the State of the World Mother’s, the United States ranks 33 out of 179 countries surveyed for maternal health. [1] Just last year, the U.S. was at 31. How can a country so developed be drastically behind other countries in taking care of mothers and their newborns? Could it be the medical establishment in the …

Two infants dead after receiving vaccinations

Two babies have died and 39 others are in hospital after suffering adverse effects following shots given under the National Vaccination Program. The infants had been vaccinated against tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis B early yesterday morning, but began suffering allergic reactions by 7:00pm last night. A total of 52 children were given the shots in the indigenous community of La Pimienta, …

Ethics Professor Says It’s “Quite Reasonable” to Kill Disabled Babies via Obamacare – Daisy Luther

Has anyone else noticed that most professors of ethics aren’t exactly…ummm…ethical? At least the ones who get quoted, anyway. A professor at the highly esteemed Princeton University doesn’t want his Obamacare premiums to increase because of caring for severely disabled babies. Dr. Pete Singer, who teaches ethics (but perhaps needs a little refresher on what the word “ethics” means) argued during …

Lawsuit: Nursing Student Claims College Instructed Them to Threaten Patients into Receiving Vaccines – Adan Salazar

At least two instructors at a medical college in Michigan taught lessons instructing students to intimidate patients into receiving vaccinations, a lawsuit claims. Filed in the Genesee Circuit Court on April 6, the suit alleges a teacher at Baker College in Flint taught her students to exhaust various methods of coercion in order to pressure patients into getting innoculated. “She …

Susan McCreadie, MD: I Rest Easier NOT Vaccinating my Children

Since finishing my pediatric training, I have come to realize that you can find evidence to support your decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. When I started my pediatric practice fresh out of residency, I was a primary care physician and offered vaccinations to those families who chose to vaccinate their children. I actually gave the children the vaccines …

Mothers Hepatitis B infection may give infants a better survival advantage to counteract bacterial infection during early life.

A Singapore led study has shown that Hepatitis B Virus Infection (HBV) exposure increases the immune system maturation of infants, which may give a better survival advantage to counteract bacterial infection during early life. These findings radically modify the way that HBV vertical infection of neonates (mother-to-child) is portrayed, and present a paradigm shift in the approach to treatment of …

Pertussis outbreak at Salinas school among fully vaccinated

In less than one month, four students at Monterey Park School have been diagnosed with pertussis, or whooping cough. Principal Brian Hayes and school officials met with parents to offer information and answer questions. “There really hasn’t been a feeling of fear. It’s been more of ‘what can we do to stop this?’” he said. “This is serious for parents …