Viera Scheibner – Media Blackouts Continue Concealing Truth about Vaccine-driven Diseases Destroying Herd Immunity

Do We Need a New Approach to Vaccine Recommendations? Wouldn’t it be More Logical to Stop all Vaccination Instead? Perusing the history of any vaccination based on the study of medical research literature provides irrefutable evidence that all vaccines have obviously and evidently failed as means of preventing infectious diseases. Crowcroft et al (2015) quite recently wrote, Read More

Dangerous new vaccine legislation pushed by the United States federal government

According to the “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” (H.R. 2232), the United States federal government wants to take away all religious and philosophical exemptions or, in order words, require every school age child to get vaccinated – whether you like it or not. Simply put, if this legislation gets passed – parents will lose their right to decide what’s …

Vaccines: Practices, hesitancy among general physicians in France

At population level, vaccines contribute to reducing mortality associated with infectious diseases such as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B or bacterial meningitis. The community general physician, at the centre of this preventive strategy, remains the main source of information for families. In an article published in the journal Ebiomedecine, Pierre Verger (Inserm Unit 912, “Economics and Social Sciences Applied to Health …

EXCLUSIVE: Why SB 277 will totally backfire on the vaccine industry and uncover the truth about vaccine science fraud by Mike Adams

One of the reasons vaccine propagandists are so cognitively impaired is because they’ve all been partially brain damaged by the very same vaccines they keep pushing on everyone else. As a result, not a single one of them had yet come to realize how they’ve painted themselves into a corner with SB 277. In fact, SB 277 will disastrously backfire on the …

Biodiversity reduces human, wildlife diseases and crop pests

With infectious diseases increasing worldwide, the need to understand how and why disease outbreaks occur is becoming increasingly important. Looking for answers, a team of University of South Florida (USF) biologists and colleagues found broad evidence that supports the controversial ‘dilution effect hypothesis,’ which suggests that biodiversity limits outbreaks of disease among humans and wildlife. The paper describing their research …

GM Mosquitoes: Bad for Business in the Keys – Wenonah Hauter and Barry Wray

This week, local officials in the Florida Keys will decide whether to approve the first ever release of genetically engineered (GMO) mosquitoes in the United States. Yes, you read that right: lab-engineered mosquitoes could be released in one of America’s favorite tourist destinations very soon, even though it’s unclear if any government agency has evaluated the full array of health …

Microbes are Holding the Reins to our Health – Erica Sonnenburg Ph.D.

You are not alone. Your gut is teaming with bacteria that have been linked to everything from autism to obesity and may even be influencing your mood and behavior. Whether this collection of microorganisms, your microbiota, is thriving or suffering has huge implications for your risk of a number of diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and even mental illness. Each of us is …

Distrust of vaccinations on the rise across EU

Europeans are turning away from vaccines, amid rising distrust of immunisation for infectious diseases. France’s Constitutional Council has upheld legislation obliging parents to have their children innoculated. EurActiv France reports. Given the choice, not everybody would vaccinate their children. Marc and Samia Larère asked the French Constitutional Council for a “priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality” (QPC) on whether …

The Can O’ Tuna Argument – Synergistic Toxicity and Vaccine Safety

Certainly if you are on the frontlines of the vaccine debate you’ve heard the argument from pro vaxxers ‘hey well, y’know, a can of tuna has about the same amount of mercury in it that a vaccine does.’ Or about aluminum, ‘a muffin has as much aluminum as a vaccine containing aluminum’. It is a silly argument but it shows …


Recent outbreaks of Ebola, SARS, and other zoonotic infectious diseases that transmit from animals to humans have made the relationship between human disease and environmental management an especially hot topic. In East Africa, community ecologist Hillary Young’s fieldwork has examined the direct impacts of human disturbance on landscape and wildlife, as well as a variety of factors affecting infectious disease risk. …