Study links student loans with lower net worth, housing values after college

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Student loan debt may negatively impact young people’s ability to accumulate wealth after they graduate or drop out of college, a new study suggests. People who had outstanding balances on their student loans when they graduated or dropped out of college had lower net worth, fewer financial and nonfinancial assets, and homes with lower market values when …

Kent Heckenlively – Lethal Viruses Contaminating the US Blood Supply?

Retroviruses hide out in the immune system, which means any immune activation could set off this ticking time-bomb and cause diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome among adults, and autism among children.  Are they lurking in the US blood supply? PLAGUE – The Retrovirus-Gate Lies As an attorney I learned (often the hard way), that if you wanted to know the truth about a …

Host, heal thyself: Immune system self-organizes to minimize biological cost of pathogenic infections – Stuart Mason

The adaptive immune system – a subsystem of the overall immune system – comprises specialized cells and processes that eliminate or prevent pathogen growth by using the experience of past infections to prepare its limited repertoire of specialized receptors to protect organisms from future threats. Recently, scientists at CNRS and Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris and the University of Pennsylvania developed a general …