Horrific Disease Creeping into the US

This is a kind of Halloween story, but it is a true one. Chagas disease is the stuff of horror movies, but public health officials are doing very little to address it. A rare and deadly tropical disease once thought to be limited to economically depressed regions of South America is now appearing in areas of the US Southeast—and the situation is …

Yarrow herb is stronger than DEET at repelling mosquitos and ticks, and it’s completely non-toxic by Ethan A. Huff

We’re approaching summer bug season in many parts of the northern hemisphere, which in addition to sun and fun means lots of smelly insect repellant wafting through the air. The standard chemical ingredient in many conventional bug sprays is DEET, a neurotoxic chemical that, although it seems to work against annoying critters, is also working against you and your family’s …

Introducing the World’s First “Bumblebee Highway” to Save the Bees By Carey Wedler

As the world’s bee population continues to decline, the community of Oslo, Norway is taking action to protect its pollinators. The Oslo Garden Society is working with the city’s municipal government, businesses, environmental organizations and the public to create a “bumble bee highway” that will provide food for bees. Urban areas have few flowers for bees to feed on, which effectively …

He Holds the Patent that Could Destroy Monsanto and Change the World

If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways. And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you share, share, share the information being presented so that it can reach as many …