Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Dr. Moshe Dekel. Dr. Dekel is a board certified OB GYN in private practice for 35 years. In his many years in private practice, he served as the chief of GYN surgery at the Long Island Surgi-Center, and as the Medical Director of the Long Island Birthing Center. Dr. Dekel transitioned to Holistic Medicine over a decade ago, and is now taking care of holistic medical needs of men, women and children. He specializes in breast thermography, bio-identical hormone replacement, autism, ADD and ADHD, emotional stress like anxiety and insomnia, and nutrition. Dr. Dekel is also a DAN certified (Defeat Autism Now) practitioner and works with bio-energetic medicine. He practices on Long Island, NY, Savannah GA and Hilton Head, SC.
73% of insomniacs cured after 1-hour therapy session
A simple one-hour therapy session has helped to cure 73% of people suffering from acute insomnia, according to a new study from Northumbria University. In the first ever study to attempt to treat insomnia in the acute phase — before it becomes chronic — researchers found that almost three-quarters of participants saw improvements in the quality of their sleep within …