Michael Klare – Tomgram: Michael Klare, Whose Finger on the Nuclear Button?

I was born on July 20, 1944, the day of the failed officers’ plot against Adolf Hitler. That means I preceded the official dawning of the nuclear age by exactly 361 days, which makes me part of the last generation to do so. I’m speaking not of the obliteration of two Japanese cities by America’s new “wonder weapon” on August …

Katerina Selin – Refugees face disastrous conditions in Greece

As European governments move to seal their external borders, tens of thousands of refugees fleeing to Europe are trapped in Greece, leading to a rapidly escalating humanitarian catastrophe. Each day hundreds of refugees risk the dangerous journey from their war-torn countries in the Middle East via Turkey and the Mediterranean to Greece. Most of them are trying to get to …

ROBERT FISK – Playing Right Into ISIS’s Hands

Now that we’re all supposedly involved in the world battle against the worst enemy since Hitler – not climate change, of course, but Isis –  it’s time to understand just how the forces of law, order and security, who are supposed to protect us, can do more to recruit European Muslims to the Islamist cause than all the Isis videos combined. It’s …

Italian Paper Breaks Silence Over Political Assassinations in Kiev – Daniele Pozzati

Italy’s second largest newspaper La Repubblica has broken western media’s silence over the latest wave of political murders in Ukraine. In an unusual for mainstream western media frank assessment of Kiev’s post-Maidan regime, La Repubblica has denounced “a ruthless sweeping away of every form of political opposition taking place in Kiev”. The paper was reacting to yet another assassination in Ukraine — this time of a popular journalist Oles …