Trends This Week – Reasons Behind the Rise of Gold – 08.10.16

Investors, not interested in buying negative-yielding bonds (guaranteed losses if held to maturity) and fearful of speculating in equity markets, have pushed gold prices up over 25 percent this year while pushing gold coin sales for the second quarter up 72 percent year to date. Global master forecaster Gerald Celente tells you why. Learn more at

Peter Koenig – Greece Continues to Be Sucked Dry – and Nobody Stops the “Economic Bloodletting”

How long will this go on? How long will we see the photographs of a Mr. Tsipras and his Finance Minister in despair. Yet the blood-letting continues.  Already new austerity measures are being projected for 2018 – between 5.4 billion EUR asked by Europeans and 9 billion EUR requested by IMF – and the securing of the Greek debt sustainability through …

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro and apologises for the immolation of Greece

The International Monetary Fund’s top staff misled their own board, made a series of calamitous misjudgments in Greece, became euphoric cheerleaders for the euro project, ignored warning signs of impending crisis, and collectively failed to grasp an elemental concept of currency theory.  This is the lacerating verdict of the IMF’s top watchdog on the fund’s tangled political role in the …

ROBERT HUNZIKER – Healthcare’s Neoliberal Death Warrant

Neoliberalism’s mantra of “privatizing everything in sight” and elimination, or cutbacks, of governmental programs, aka: austerity, especially public healthcare, is a death warrant for millions, maybe more than millions! Sure-fire, whenever private interests take control, or cut funding for public welfare programs, similar to what Democratic and Republican neoliberal advocates have consistently advocated ever since the 1980s, all hell breaks …

Benjamin Dangl – After Empowering the 1% and Impoverishing Millions, IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure

Last week a research wing of the International Monetary Fund came out with a report admitting that neoliberalism has been a failure. The report, entitled, “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” is hopefully a sign of the ideology’s death. They were only about 40 years late. As Naomi Klein tweeted about the report, “So all the billionaires it created are going to give back their money, …

Paul Craig Roberts – We Have Entered The Looting Stage Of Capitalism

Having successfully used the EU to conquer the Greek people by turning the Greek “leftwing” government into a pawn of Germany’s banks, Germany now finds the IMF in the way of its plan to loot Greece into oblivion . The IMF’s rules prevent the organization from lending to countries that cannot repay the loan. The IMF has concluded on the …

China Blowing Even Bigger Credit Bubble Puts World at Greater Risk, Says Global Strategist

China is blowing an even bigger industrial-growth bubble, central banks are attempting to prevent a global shock, and, meanwhile, all eyes are on the US dollar for clues as to which way things will go. So says Worth Wray, Global Macro Strategist at STA Wealth Management, in a recent interview with Financial Sense, who also notes that we may just …

Nicholas Watt – Antimicrobial resistance a ‘greater threat than cancer by 2050’

Antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics will present a greater danger to humankind than cancer by the middle of the century unless world leaders agree international action to tackle the threat, according to George Osborne. The British chancellor will tell a panel of experts at an IMF meeting in Washington that 10 million people a year could die across the world by 2050 …

Barry Grey – IMF downgrades growth projections, warns of “synchronized slowdown”

The International Monetary Fund’s “World Economic Outlook” (WEO), released Tuesday in advance of this week’s semiannual meetings in Washington of the IMF and World Bank, gives a gloomy and fraught estimate of the state of the world economy, nearly eight years after the 2008 financial meltdown. The IMF has again downwardly revised its projection for global growth, the fourth straight …

Climate Change Puts Trillions of Dollars of Assets at Risk: Study

Trillions of dollars of non-bank financial assets around the world are vulnerable to the effects of global warming, according to a study on Mondaythat says tougher action to curb greenhouse gas emissions makes sense for investors. Rising temperatures and the dislocation caused by related droughts, floods and heatwaves will slow global economic growth and damage the performance of stocks and bonds, …