When Sheri Winston (www.IntimateArtsCenter.com) and Dr. Diana last spoke there was a promise to talk about how to create and then play inside a “conjoined erotic trance”: — a state where intuitive magic happens! Sheri’s books are Succulent Sex Craft and Women’s Anatomy of Arousal. We spoke of the brain and how sex can make you stupid! Sheri’s sexual tool craft kit includes …
Expat Files – 03.09.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #740- FRI, MAR 09- (03-09-2018): #1- Everyone wants the lowdown on when Gringos and Gringas have intimate relationships with Latinos/Latinas: Romance, mating, dating and relationships are a funny crazy business most anywhere even more so in Latin America. Today we discuss the finer points of mixed gringo/Latin love matches as well as the major hurdles and …
Meria Heller – The Bigger Picture with Meria & Michael Reccia – 02.16.18
The Bigger Picture, with Meria and Michael Reccia. Valentine’s Day -practical love; reflections of yourself; the vibration of love; what is love? spirituality in action; spiritual truths makes life easier; why are we here? the truly alternative lifestyle; self love; are you worthy? do you deserve? what is success? everything has consciousness; move on or reincarnate? why? the fear of the unknown;reincarnation is …
Love Lust And Laughter – 06.06.17
Dr. Lori Buckley – www.DrLoriBuckley.com – returned to the program. Her book is “21 Decisions for Great Sex & a Happy Relationship” which can be purchased on AMAZON. As Sex Therapists, Dr. Lori and Dr. Diana discussed their favorite sex tips, books, and sex toys. Here’s a flavor for the show: Compliment your partner. It will make him/her feel noticed, …
Love Lust And Laughter – 05.02.17
Jill Angelo, Genneve CEO (www.Genneve.com), interviewed Dr. Diana on the subject of Aging, Sexuality and Menopause. Jill started Genneve because she was committed to creating quality products and wanted to foster a community where women can find information, conversation, and inspiration. This show contributed to those goals! A woman’s lack of interest can be both physically and emotionally inspired. Dr. …
Ask Beatty – 04.10.17
Beatty talked about Dr. Barbara Fredrickson’s research findings about how to become less negative and more positive by DOING the following 8 mental exercises. She also discussed what couples need to DO if they hope to have happy and satisfying relationships. Did you know that Spring is the most depressing time of the year and that suicide spikes during this time of the year. Adopt Beatty’s mantra in life: Acknowledge, Address and RESOLVE!
Ask Beatty – 11.14.16
How to Put the Sizzle in your Sex Life…..beyond sex toys and viagra. Listen to all of the things that you can DO to enhance your sex life today!
Are you reeling from the Presidential election results? Don’t be surprised if you are going through the the following 5 stages of grieving. Give yourself permission to grieve.
Ken Page – How To Love Yourself First
Everyone’s heard this self-help platitude: We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else. This may sound wise, but it misses a great truth; if we want to experience true intimacy, we need to be taught to love aspects of ourselves–again and again–by the people around us. As much as we want to control our own destiny, the humbling …
Does Your Partner’s “Caring” Feel More Like Controlling?
It’s rare for a person—deliberately—to subjugate to their will someone they care about. Typically, when someone acts manipulatively toward another, their motive, at least consciously, isn’t to control them at all. It’s simply to increase the likelihood that the relationship will better address their wants and needs. That is, despite how their action might be taken by the other person, …
The Lifeboat Hour – 12.13.15
Tyler Hess returns to the Lifeboat Hour to share his perspective as a member of the millennial generation on climate chaos, the collapse of industrial civilization, and how living in intimate relationship with Earth in the face of the Sixth Great Extinction sustains us and all life in the universe.
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