While the prestitutes and cry-baby liberals focus on transgender bathrooms, Wikileaks reveals the CIA might be hacking into your latest and greatest “smart” devices. Meanwhile, the massive economic growth under President Trump brings into question whether or not a crash is coming. Listen in and subscribe to the Trends Journal at Trendsresearch.com to get Gerald Celente’s latest forecast.
The Personal Computer Radio Show – 12.07.16
Where are we today with Wearable Technology?
The Personal Computer Show – 10.12.16
The Personal Computer Show
Steven MacMillan – Pokémon Go, the CIA, “Totalitarianism” and the Future of Surveillance
If anyone doubted that a percentage of the global population are akin to zombies, the incidents following the release of Pokémon Go have surely convinced you. Despite the game only being released in early July, we have already seen a man driving into a tree and a women getting locked in a graveyard whilst chasing these furry little creatures. Pokémon describes the …
Sharon Kelly – High Levels of Chemicals Found in People Living Near Gas Wells: New Report
Chemicals from gas wells were discovered in biological samples drawn from residents of Pavillion, Wyoming, at levels as much as ten times the national averages, according to a new report. The study is the first to sample both the air near drilling sites and the levels of chemicals in people living and working near those wells, allowing researchers to study the ways that …
Is too much screen time damaging your child’s brain?
Let’s face it – screen time is an inescapable reality of modern parenting, with kids of every age spending hours upon hours in front of iPads, smartphones and televisions. And that’s not always a bad thing. Educational apps and kiddie-geared TV shows are great ways for little ones to sharpen their developing brains and hone quick communication skills (not to mention …
Benjamin Nowland – The Microwave Drug: The Biological and Spiritual Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
The 1998 US Army document ‘Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons’ says “investigators are even beginning to describe similarities between microwave irradiation and drugs regarding their effects on biological systems. For example, some suggest that power density and specific absorption rate (SAR) of microwave irradiation may be thought of as analogous to the concentration of the injection solution and the dosage …
John Kiriakou – The Very Existence of the NSA Is Illegal
he Washington Post reported last week that the National Security Agency soon would begin providing local law enforcement with data on American citizens intercepted without probable cause and without a warrant. This data has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. It apparently will be used mostly in drug cases, although it could conceivably be used against any American for any reason. Most …
Sarah Lazare – The FBI Has a New Plan to Spy on High School Students Across the Country
Under new guidelines, the FBI is instructing high schools across the country to report students who criticize government policies and “western corruption” as potential future terrorists, warning that “anarchist extremists” are in the same category as ISIS and young people who are poor, immigrants or travel to “suspicious” countries are more likely to commit horrific violence. Based on the widely …
Expat Files – 02.07.16
– What climate changes are we now seeing in Latin America if any. What about those much-favored “perennial spring-like” Alti-Plano regions?
-What will happen to the food and water supplies in Latin America if climate changes (in whatever form) become more apparent?
-What will happen to Latin big city bad boy gangs as economies slip into the crapper and implode (along with the rest of the world)? Will they move to target the nearby smaller, safer, nicer, cites and neighborhoods?
-Comments on the Latin macho society’s supreme infatuation with “Mujeres de Clima”- sexy TV weather ladies who famously appear on every TV news program.
Note: there are no TV weathermen in Latin America.