Rob Kall – Bernie Didn’t Win New Hampshire. No Joke.

It’s true. Bernie earned 15 delegates by winning 62.5% of the Democratic vote– the bottom up democratic way. But Hillary also received 15 delegates. The difference is, she earned 9 delegates and the undemocratic, top down Democratic Party– provides a system that prevents the people from electing people– enabled her to have six superdelegates. That makes the New Hampshire delegate …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.11.16


We are joined by MIMI KENNEDY, BOB FITRAKIS & ANGELA WATTERS to seek out ways to stop the White House and the rest of our government from again being stolen yet again by election fraud.

The need to verify your own voter registration, to safeguard exit polling, to monitor electronic vote counts and much more are what we discuss here. Mimi from Progressive Democrats of America, Bob from and Angels from Reader Support News fill a completely packed hour on this critical topic.

We cannot afford the thefts of governorships in Wisconsin and Alabama to keep happening, or the thefts of the White House as in 2000 and 2004, and much more to continue to happen.

Get to the core of it in this hour with these great experts. We will continue to work on it as we fight our way to a truly democratic Solartopia the only way we can….with legitimate, reliable democratic elections…..

Feeling sleepy? You might be at risk of falsely confessing to a crime you did not commit

If you are one of the millions of people who have listened to the podcast “Serial” or watched Netflix’s series “Making a Murderer,” you may believe there are innocent people in prison. But long before the cases of Adnan Syed, Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey were brought to the public’s attention, we and other researchers have been hard at work …

Greg Palast – Who Hatched Rubio?

The big boys are confident that Sen. Marco Rubio has locked up the Republican nomination. But who’s locked up Rubio? I called my bookie in London. The betting professionals were not surprised at Marco Rubio’s big Iowa showing. The smart money has been on Rubio since October 31–despite the fact that Rubio was polling at just 9%. Paul Krishnamurty, politics …


HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN ACCUSED OF VOTER FRAUD IN POLK COUNTY, IOWA CAUCUS [UPDATE: Second case of Clinton Election ‘Fraud’ Caught on Camera in Iowa] IOWA – Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged claiming caucus chair Drew Gentsch and precinct captain Liz Buck did not conduct an actual count of Clinton supporters. The pair are accused of deliberately misleading the caucus at precinct #43 in Des Moines. This is …

Top Hillary Clinton PAC Donation Amounts to 222,000 Bernie Sanders Donations

contributions of mega-donors eclipse those of normal citizens. For example, billionaire George Soros gave $6 million to the pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA last quarter. By comparison, the average donation to the Bernie Sanders campaign — the only one mostly funded through small donors — was $26.28, according to a spokesperson for the campaign. That means Soros gave as much money …

PAUL STREET – The Iowa Caucus is a Classist and Ageist Farce

In Iowa, as across the nation, lots of people work during the early to middle evening, after the traditional dinner hour. Tow-truck drivers. Nurses’ aides. Nurses. Resident emergency room doctors. EMTs. Hotel receptionists. Cops. Security guards. Second-shift production workers. Custodians. Retail clerks. Waitresses. Dishwashers. Butchers at the grocery store. Chicken-shacklers at poultry-processing plants. English as a Second Language night instructors. …