Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary goes into a health segment and makes comments on vaccines and big pharma, but spends most of the time talking with Dahr Jamail about Making the evidence for climate change and global warming more personal.
Trump will deport 3 million Mexican “criminals” but only 173,000 exist: WTF?
Trump said a lot of things that will never happen. Here are my favorite lies: 1. I can be trusted because I cannot be bought; I am self-funded: Fact: 99% of his general race was funded by wealthy donors, such as Adleson, who got a reversal on Trump’s “neutrality” towards Israel/Palestine for a mere $25 million. 2. I opposed the …
Robert Parry – Trump’s Slim Chance for Greatness
Donald Trump must decide – and decide quickly – whether he wants to be a great U.S. President or a robo-signature machine affixing his name to whatever legislation comes from congressional Republicans and a nodding figurehead acquiescing to more neoconservative foreign policy adventures. Or, to put it in a vernacular that Trump might use, does he want to be “Paul …
Eric Zuesse – Increased Poverty in 96% of U.S. House Districts, During Obama’s Presidency
On November 3rd, Morning Consult’s Jon Reid bannered, “Poverty on the Rise in Nearly All House Districts” and he reported that, “A Brookings Institution study, released less than a week before the election, shows that the number of people living in poverty has increased in 96 percent of congressional districts between 2000 and 2010-2014.” That finding fits along with others, such as that the …
Warrior Connection-10.02.16
The October 1 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion with former USMC Drill Sgt Tim Boone about the use of writing to alleviate PTSD and to help vets thrive. We read and discussed one of his insightful writings. Tim was in Lebanon when the USMC barracks was blown up and then led marines into Kuwait for Desert Storm. Simply Tim has been there – done that- got the t-shirt!
ERIC ZUESSE – US Public Don’t Care If Politicians Lie
To say that a voter cares whether or not a given politician is a liar, is to say that even if the politician is of that voter’s own political party, the voter will reject the politician for being a liar. In the United States, most voters are either Democratic or Republican; and, for example, Republicans accept George W. Bush (he left office in 2009 …
Nadia Prupis – Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost Nearly $5 Trillion (and Counting): Reportc
The U.S. military interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost taxpayers nearly $5 trillion and counting, according to a new report released to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the attacks. Dr. Neta Crawford, professor of political science at Brown University, released the figures in an independent analysis(pdf) of U.S. Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Veteran Affairs spending, as …
Andrea Germanos – Iraq War Architect Wolfowitz Putting His ‘Hopes’ in Clinton Presidency
Just ahead of a speech by Hillary Clinton in which she is expected to trumpet “American exceptionalism,” the Democratic presidential nominee appears to have received public backing from Iraq War architect Paul Wolfowitz. The 72-year-old deputy secretary of defense under President George W. Bush and cheerleader for the illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq told Politico that Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump are “both …
Ann Jones – How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home
A friend of mine, a Vietnam vet, told me about a veteran of the Iraq War who, when some civilian said, “Thank you for your service,” replied: “I didn’t serve, I was used.” That got me thinking about the many ways today’s veterans are used, conned, and exploited by big gamers right here at home. Near the end of his …
Kit O’Connell – Cell-Jamming Technology Is Being Turned against Journalists
Technology developed to jam cellphones during the Iraq War may be getting deployed against journalists reporting on protests against the political establishment in the United States. While police and government surveillance of protests, including monitoring of cellphone use, is well-documented, efforts to block signals at protests remains an oft-repeated, but never proven, rumor. It may be impossible to definitively prove that authorities …