President Donald Trump’s unleashing “the mother of all bombs” last Thursday in Afghanistan exponentially broadened and deepened U.S. concurrent involvement in several theaters of war. Add ISIS to Trump’s active-enemies list—which also includes Syria and North Korea. Leid Stories asks: How and why did war become such a vital part of Trump’s agenda? Download this episode (right click and save)
The Gary Null Show – 04.17.17
Today is April 17th 2017 and on The Gary Null Show, Host Gary Null talks about the latest in health and healing covering topics such as what you need to protect in your body, new studies on which oils are best for you and much more. After a musical break Gary comes back to give you the newest news in …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.13.17
POLITICS: ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE is our Solartopian journey as we’re joined by the well-known author and Sirius Radio host Wilmer J. Leon, III. Dr. Leon is an astute, cutting-edge analyst with connections and perceptions throughout the political community. We discuss stolen elections, the rise of renewables, the fall of empire, the rise of racism and the true terrors of Donald Trump, …
Leid Stories—Trump and Assad, Both On the Brink—04.06.17
President Donald Trump vowed yesterday to take some kind of “responsibility” for helping to bring the murderous chaos in war-torn Syria to an end. What that “responsibility” would be, Trump wouldn’t say, but he made it clear the task was President Barack Obama’s and Obama did nothing.
Trends This Week – Hypocrisy and stalled economies – 04.05.17
The devastating gas attacks against Syrian civilians have made headlines and cover stories everywhere, fueling American hatred and giving rise to more war propaganda against Syria. The media, however, is silent on the ongoing airstrikes that have killed hundreds of civilians in Mosul. Meanwhile, the business-media world continues to boast of a growing economy that seems to be falling short under President Trump as he cannot keep his economic promises.
Black Agenda Radio – 03.27.17
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Human Rights Watch pretends to defend vulnerable people from abuse by powerful forces all around the world. But, most of the time, Human Rights Watch defends U.S. foreign policy. And, as the pace of prison activism increases by the month, Prison Radio brings you voices from behind the bars.
Trends This Week – Big War Bucks in Trump’s Budget – 03.22.17
The military-first mindset that has prevailed since George W. Bush launched the War on Terror in 2001, grows under Trump. In building America’s military budget, which despite it being as large as the next seven largest military budgets around the world combined, Trump will face minimal domestic opposition. We also estimate more defense dollars funneling into Homeland Security and intelligence agencies, particularly for both domestic and foreign deep state surveillance and cyber security.
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.15.17
The Conspiracy Guy #16: A series of developments in relation to the Middle East raise concerns that the neocons are firmly in control of the Trump foreign policy agenda, including saving two ISIS leaders traded in Mosul, a 432% increase in drone strikes, and the Pentagon’s absurd declaration that Iran is “the greatest security threat in the Middle East” and warning signs that Donald’s promise to end these foreign entanglements may not be the case. The ongoing Wikileaks revelations make the case for CIA surveillance of Trump and faking “Russian hacking” overwhelming, where even leading Democrats connected to the Senate Intelligence Committee admit they have no expectation of evidence that ties the Trump campaign to Russian interference. Even Noam Chomsky tweets, “World is Laughing at claims Russia Hacked Election”. IWB (Investors Watch Blog) has published some 50 “fake news” stories on CNN alone, which confirms Wikileaks information about the mainstream media under the control of the CIA. The knowledge that the CIA can seize control of your vehicle and thereby commit a vehicular assassination sheds light on the death of Michael Hastings, who appears to have been among the first of its targets. Trump continues to shake up Washington, as a recent TIME magazine cover reflects.
The Gary Null Show – 03.14.17
The Stella Blizzard doesn’t stop Gary Null from doing his Monday-Friday show here on The Progressive Radio Network, Gary starts off the program with the latest in health and healing before going to a in depth environmental segment, Gary cracks the safe on the audio vault to play some clips on Canadian journalist DESTROYS corporate media hack and explains what is actually going on in Aleppo, Syria and 9 million painkillers shipped to tiny West Virginia town. In just two years, drug wholesalers shipped 9 million opioid pills to a pharmacy in Kermit, WV, a town of just 400 people. Now the town is trying to take the wholesalers to court.
The Gary Null Show – 03.01.17
It’s the first of March and Gary Null is here to bring you a new show that starts off with the latest in health and healing covering the topics of sodium and potassium, mercury dental fillings and light therapy for chronic pain. In the second half of the program Gary plays an audio clip on White Helmets, Really? The White Helmets: a heartfelt humanitarian NGO or an elaborate and cynical western PR stunt promoting illegal regime change in Syria? Does the wearing of white helmets mean they are the good guys supporting a just cause?