The Gary Null Show – 02.14.17

Today on This Valentines Day episode of The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the show with the latest in Health and Healing! Gary goes over the topics of too many calories, nutrients, benefits of olive oil, new antioxdants and vaccines. In the second half of the program Gary plays an audio clip Assad tells Belgian reporter Belgium & EU merely obey ‘US master’ on Syria- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad recently told Belgian media that their country and the EU merely obey ‘the American master’ when it comes to Syria and political decision-making in general. To wrap up the program Gary chats with producer Richard Gale.

Darius Shahtahmasebi – Congresswoman Who Says U.S. Funds ISIS Just Got Back From Syria: Here’s What She Found

Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the lawmaker who accused the U.S. government of funding and arming ISIS and introduced a bill to prevent it from happening in future, recently disclosed that she met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during her recent trip to Syria. The move has reportedly angered many of her fellow congressmen and women. Read more

F. William Engdahl – Rex Tillerson and the Myths, Lies and Oil Wars to Come

I want to give here a personal account of the change in my own belief about the genesis of hydrocarbons as I feel it will become increasingly important in the near future to grasp precisely what the Oil Game of the Big Four Anglo-American oil giants–ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and BP–is truly about. It’s about creating myths, lies and ultimately oil …

Stephen Lendman – One Yemeni Child Dies Every 10 Minutes From War-Related Starvation

US imperialism is raping and destroying the country, millions of Yemenis at risk. Instead of demanding Saudis stop terror-bombing, massacring civilians, blockading the country’s coastline along with US warships, Trump sent paratroopers to Yemen’s Bayda’s Qifah district. They raided Yakla village, reportedly attacking al-Qaeda terrorists, but who knows for sure. America supports the group, its al-Nusra affiliate in Syria, ISIS …

Jonathan Marshall – Death of the Syrian ‘Moderate’ Fantasy

The neoconservative and liberal interventionist case for arming Syria’s rebels lost its last vestige of credibility this week with the routing of Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces by Al-Qaeda-linked Islamists in northwestern Syria. Washington think-tank warriors and editorial writers have long looked to the FSA as America’s natural allies in the Syrian conflict — so-called “moderates” unblemished by the Assad …

Adil E. Shamoo – America Should Look in the Mirror

Esteban Santiago, the Ft. Lauderdale airport shooter, is an Iraq war veteran. Prior to executing five innocent people and wounding seven, he told the FBI that voices were telling him to watch ISIS videos. Although clearly exhibiting the possible symptoms of a thought disorder, the authorities were not able to connect him with mental health treatment. Santiago was able to …

Nadia Zahel – Given Away as a Child Bride, Afghan Woman Describes 24 Years of Abuse

Spogmai was just 12 years old when she was separated from her parents and handed over to another family. But this was no ordinary arranged marriage. Instead, she was given to a man more than three times her age in order to settle a family feud. Her voice trembles as she recalls the day she entered a form of slavery. …

Nadia Prupis – On His Way Out the Door, Obama Bombs Libya One Last Time

U.S. B-2 war planes bombed two camps in Libya overnight that Pentagon officials claim were housing Islamic State (ISIS) militants, concluding President Barack Obama’s time as commander in chief with another slew of deaths. More than 80 people were killed at the camps about 25 miles southeast of Sirte, where ISIS fighters fled from last year after attacks by Libyan …

LOA Today – 01.19.17

We continue our exploration of Think And Grow Rich this week by focusing on Chapter 7: Organized Planning. What this chapter is really all about is Hill’s conception of the “Master Mind”, a way of labeling what happens when two or more people come together to discuss and strategize.