Jon Queally – Baby Teeth of Iraqi Children Tell Troubling Tale of War’s Toxic Impacts

In an effort to learn more about the impacts of long-term exposure to heavy metals and other toxins associated with warzone bombardments and military installations, a new study released Fridayexamined a sample of donated teeth and discovered that the children of Iraq are suffering from alarming levels of such substances, specfically lead. The study—entitled Prenatal Metal Exposure in the Middle East: …

The Gary Null Show – 07.28.16

On “The Gary Null Show” Gary does a quick but excellent health and healing segment, Gary enlightens you on The Children And The CIA and Why the US can’t stay away from Iraq, he also opens up the phone lines for a Talk Back segment with the listeners.    Gary’s Break Song –I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor and Soul Man – Sam & Dave …

Juan Cole – 3 Surprising reasons Saudi Arabia may be getting out of the Oil Business

Saudi crown prince Muhammad bin Salman announced Friday that Saudi Arabia would use its oil assets to back a $2 trillion sovereign wealth fund. The move suggested to many observers that the kingdom is preparing for a likely end of the petroleum business and transitioning to being primarily an investor. While it is true that the money for the sovereign wealth fund …

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya – A Tangled Web: How the Media Misleads the Public on Terrorist Threats

Public perception about the so-called “Global War on Terror” is manipulated in various ways by a trail of misinformation and disinformation. This article is a case study on the October 22, 2015 lone gunman rampage of Parliament Hill in Ottawa that was used by the  government of Steven Harper to justify Canadian entry into the US war in Iraq and, later, the …

Joachim Hagopian – Will the US-Created ISIS Attack Americans on US Soil?

Those of us in alternative news media shoulder a growing responsibility of shedding light on the truth where little to none exists anymore either in government and mainstream media. As such, citizens of the world but especially of America need to know that the so called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) like al Qaeda before them are the …

Iraq: A Nation Destroyed by American Contempt – César Chelala

Iraq’s dismal health situation is testimony to the invasion of the country by foreign forces, including now the takeover of important parts of its territory by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The Iraqi people have been the subject of mass executions, rape, torture and, in addition, the destruction of the country’s infrastructure. The international community has …

Senator Compares Cops to ISIS- Says He Would Only Own A Gun To Protect Himself From Police

Lincoln, NE– A Nebraska state senator is receiving some major backlash after making very controversial statements at a legislative hearing on a concealed gun bill on Friday. Senator Ernie Chambers is known as the “defender of the downtrodden” for his passionate defense of civil rights. Without holding back, the 77-year-old Chambers, compared American police to ISIS and has since received a barrage of criticism. Chambers …

Destroying History and Civilization in the Middle East

The kingdom of “Saudi Arabia” is going to behead a man for “apostancy” (renouncing his belief in Islam and the Quran) while welcoming Egyptian Al-Sisi whose security forces are torturing people to death in Egypt for being supportive of an Islamic political system more moderate than that of that Kingdom! Meanwhile the Egyptian kangaroo courts are declaring resistance movements outside …