Alan Hart – American Jews And Israel: A Divorce In The Making?

In a very interesting piece on his web site (Mondoweiss) Philip Weiss has speculated that the day is coming when American Jews will divorce Israel. If it really happens the president of the day will be free to use the leverage America has to cause or try to cause Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of …

Robert Parry – Hillary Clinton Seeks Neocon Shelter

In seeking to put Sen. Bernie Sanders on the defensive over his foreign policy positions, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is embracing a neoconservative stance on the Middle East and gambling that her more hawkish approach will win over Democratic voters. Losing ground in Iowa and New Hampshire in recent polls, the Clinton campaign has counterattacked against Sanders, targeting his …


At age ten, when Stephanie Alves started sewing she had no concept that one day she would revolutionize the clothing industry by designing clothes for people with special needs. ABL Denim, Stephanie’s company ( ), is producing jeans – yes jeans for various needs in different fabrics and styles to accommodate various needs and desires and is making consumers with disabilities elated because wearing jeans is an inalienable right. You’re probably wearing them now and jeans are the only reason I ventured into broadcasting since my chosen field could care less what one sports in an on-air environment. I even have my jeans categorized – my “nice jeans” are reserved for my talks at schools (k-12 and college) though I have to abandon them for corporate talks. So, on behalf of a society that loves all things comfy, thank you Stephanie Alves for creating jeans for consumers with disabilities who like everyone – deserves the right to be comfortable and look cool!

Have Mark speak at your school, college/university or workplace on “Overcoming Adversity” and more – info at

Jonathan Cook – Welcome To Israel’s Version Of Apartheid

Moments before an Aegean Airlines flight was due to take off, three Israeli passengers took security into their own hands and demanded that two fellow passengers, from Israel’s Palestinian minority, be removed from the plane. By the end of a 90-minute stand-off, dozens more Israeli Jews had joined the protest, refusing to take their seats. Like a parable illustrating Europe’s …

Richard Falk – You can’t report truthfully on Israel without facing its wrath

Makarim Wibisono has announced his resignation as UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, the position I held for six years until June 2014. The Indonesian diplomat says that he could not fulfill his mandate because Israel has adamantly refused to give him access to the Palestinian people living under its military occupation in the West …

Stephen Zunes – Republican Candidates Defend Killing Civilians to Fight Terrorism — and so do Democrats

There has been a lot of consternation expressed in the media at a series of statements by Republican presidential candidates during their most recent debate and elsewhere in which a number of them appeared to be advocating the large-scale killing of civilians through aerial bombardment as a legitimate means of defeating the so-called “Islamic State.” (IS) These statements did not …

JOHN V. WALSH – Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?

Who is the arch racist, Hillary or Trump? To answer that, let us ask another question, a simple one. Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? With that in mind, who is …

Parul VERMA – Why Israel Desperately Needs Palestine : Economic-Political-Psychological Analysis

The Palestinians have become a test and trial  population who are being subjected to the testing of heinous weapons being produced by Israel. The psychological camouflage  that is sustaining this laboratory testing on Palestinians is the “ existential threat card” being played by Israel (all for profitable measures)      Israel’s military occupation and confiscation of privately owned lands in the …

Ben White – The University Where Israeli Soldiers Train on Campus and Shoot Palestinian Protesters

There can’t be many universities around the world where an occupying army has built a firing range on campus. But that is the reality for Palestine Technical University in the West Bank. Since October, the Tulkarm campus has been under repeated attack by Israeli forces, with student demonstrations suppressed by rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas – and even live ammunition. …

Stephen Lendman – Congressional Spending Bill Generously Funds Israel’s Killing Machine

Ahead of the holiday recess, Congress on Friday overwhelmingly passed a sweeping $1.8 trillion spending bill – heavily larded with hundreds of billions in corporate tax breaks along with billions for Israel’s killing machine. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D. TX) called the measure “a Christmas tree bill because special interests get special presents, all in ornaments on this tree.” On Thursday, …