David Lindsay – Maltese ships owned by Turkish president’s son being implicated in ISIS oil trade

As Russia continues to accuse Turkey and its presidential family of directly benefitting from the trade in oil with the Islamic State, it transpires that the oil tankers allegedly involved in the illicit business are registered in Malta and all fly the Maltese flag. Moreover, at least one of dozens of companies set up in Malta by Azerbaijani billionaire Mubariz …

Kali Holloway – Where Does Your City Rank? The Most Liberal—and Conservative—Cities Around the Country

Remember when Sarah Palin said she [3] loved to visit “the real America”—as if there are parts of the country that are less authentically American than others? A more articulate person might’ve said she preferred visiting the more conservative swaths of the country to the liberal ones. It’s still a politically unwise admission, but unwise is pretty much Palin’s middle name. In any …

Israel court says book on killing non-Jews not incitement

A book by hardline Israeli rabbis justifying the murder of non-Jews will not have to face charges of inciting violence, the Jerusalem High Court said. Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post reported Thursday that the court ruled there was “no basis” for the charges, upholding a 2012 decision by Israel’s Attorney General to not pursue a criminal investigation. The Torat Hamelech …

Stephen Lendman – Donald Trump – A Fascist Lunatic Representing America’s Dark Side

Trump is one of 14 Republican presidential aspirants – fascist lunatics representing America’s dark side. They’re in lockstep with their Democrat opponents, supporting endless wars of aggression, corporate interests over popular ones, Israel’s killing machine, and harsh crackdowns on nonbelievers. It’s hard deciding who’s more over-the-top and dangerous to world peace than others. For sure, Trump is the most outrageously …

Alon Ben-Meir – Israel’s Moral Erosion

I have long maintained that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank defies the moral principle behind the creation of the state. Contrary to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion, the occupation erodes rather than buttresses Israel’s national security and cannot be justified on either security or moral grounds. Unless Israel embraces a new moral path, no one can prevent it from …

William James Martin – Zionism And The Birth Of Israel

In pondering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and in discussions I have had, I have found that very few people actually have a basic understanding of the conflict nor could they provide a definitions of the conflict even in rough approximating terms. Thus one sometimes hears that it is all about Arab/Palestinian ‘terrorism’ and suicide bombings and the ultimate goal of the …

JONATHAN COOK – Youtube Becomes Israel’s New Battleground Against Palestinians

Once it fell to politicians and diplomats to solve international conflicts. Now, according to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, responsibility lies with social media. Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, headed off to Silicon Valley to meet senior executives at Google and its subsidiary YouTube late last month. Her task was to persuade them that, for the sake of peace, …

Charlotte Silver – Number of Palestinian children in Israeli prisons doubles

Marah Bakir, 16, was leaving school in occupied East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood on 12 Octoberwhen she was shot and injured by Israeli police. They allege she intended to stab an officer. However, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported that Marah had been walking with a friend when they were harassed by an Israeli who accused her of being a “terrorist.” Witnesses said …

Why The Status Quo Is Doomed: Income Stagnates, Costs Rise

Even if nothing else doomed the status quo, the widening gap between household incomes and costs will push the corrupt contraption over the cliff by itself. The status quo (whatever you wish to call it) requires “growth” to sustain itself–growth in consumption, spending, sales, debt, asset valuations, profits and of course taxes, and ultimately all of those “growths” depend on household …