Stephen Lendman – Orlando Shootings: Terrorism or False Flag?

It’s too soon to know whether Sunday’s Orlando incident was terrorism or false flag deception. Yet it has distinct earmarks of the latter, likely the latest example of domestic state terror, another fear-mongering pretext for out-of-control militarism, endless wars of choice, and domestic repression, America more a police state than free society on a slippery slope toward full-blown tyranny. Muslims …

Meria Heller Show – Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony – 06.12.16

Stars R Us with Joseph Anthony. Meria and Joseph speak this month on these topics: Astrology for June. Its a rough month, Heavy energy and frequencies hitting the planet and us, Neptune in Pisces – all about water, floods, sinkholes, Losing our equilibrium, Dreams, Visions of other dimensions, People waking up, Revolution in France, Stolen elections in USA, Israel and Zionists, Mid-month event on the 20th; Howard Rosenthal spoke truth and died, New Moon in Gemini, Grand Cross, US-a cancer nation, Big cities, Nestle and Monsanto, Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Cancer, Saturn squares Neptune, Astrology is understanding the cycles, Full Moon in Sag, Sun in Cancer on the solstice and much more.

Tom Engelhardt – Donald Trump Is the Mosquito, Not the Zika Virus

Graduates of 2016, don’t be fooled by this glorious day.  As you leave campus for the last time, many of you already deeply in debt and with a lifetime of payments to look forward to, you head into a world that’s anything but sunny.  In fact, through those gates that have done little enough to protect you is the sort of fog …

Meria Heller Show – 05.29.16

Born in the 1940s We Remember -with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer

On today’s Meria Heller Show, Meria and Jim discuss these topics: BRICS nation coup’s, Venezuela & Brazil vs. the IMF, Bernie Sanders vs. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton, Kissing the ring of Henry Kissinger and AIPAC; The endless wars we are involved in, Wesley Clark has revelations, Libya-Iran, Adelson backing Donald Trump, Establishment politicians, Dead Congress pledge to Israel, Bill Clinton again, 28 pages found on 9/11, Saudi’s expose 9/11 as inside job to create war of terror, CIA/MOSSAD and false flags, Bin Laden was a CIA asset?, Israel=ISIS, The Panama Papers expose Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump, Non-intervention, President Obama and Vietnam this Memorial Day, Rafael Cruz & Bush Zapata oil, The 2nd Amendment and The end of the two party system?

David Sheen – Extreme Takeover: Why Many Are Calling Israel’s New Government the ‘Most Racist’ in History

With the announcement that hard-right Avigdor Lieberman would soon use his powerful position as Minister of Defense in the Israeli cabinet to advance additional anti-democratic legislation, members of the old Israeli political establishment could scarcely contain their apprehension. “Lieberman is the new Kahane [3],” read the title of an op-ed by a former two-time Israeli minister, a reference to the founding …

Daniel Schultz – Can the Religious Left Be Effective Again? Short Answer: No

Every four years, when the presidential election cycle comes around, news junkies are treated to some iteration of the following stories: Is This The End Of The Religious Right? Can Evangelicals Be Liberals? Can Democrats Win People of Faith? Do The Democrats Have A Religion Problem? Can The Religious Left Be Effective Again? You could set your watch to the …

AI will create ‘useless class’ of human, predicts bestselling historian

It is hard to miss the warnings. In the race to make computers more intelligent than us, humanity will summon a demon, bring forth the end of days, and code itself into oblivion. Instead of silicon assistants we’ll build silicon assassins. The doomsday story of an evil AI has been told a thousand times. But our fate at the hand …

Noam Chomsky – American Power Under Challenge

[This piece, the first of two parts, is excerpted from Noam Chomsky’s new book, Who Rules the World? (Metropolitan Books).  Part 2 will be posted on Tuesday morning.] When we ask “Who rules the world?” we commonly adopt the standard convention that the actors in world affairs are states, primarily the great powers, and we consider their decisions and the relations among them. …

Putin Plays Energy Chess with Netanyahu

On April 21 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flew to Moscow for closed door talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The media reported that the talks were over the situation in Syria, a theme where Moscow has made certain a regular hotline dialogue exists to avoid potential military clashes. It seems, however, that the two discussed quite another issue–potential Russian …

Noam Chomsky Predicted the Rise of Trump Six Years Ago

In an interview with Chris Hedges in 2010, Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned linguist and dissident intellectual, remarked that he has “never seen anything like this.” By this, he meant the state of American society, relative to the time in which he was raised — the Depression years — and to the tumultuous state of Europe during that same period. “It is very similar …