Pope Francis:Israel will disappear from the “landscape of geography,we will fully recognizes Palestine state as landmark treaty enters into force

A treaty facilitating relationships between Vatican and Palestine – referred to as a “state” in the text – has entered full force, sealing de-facto recognition of Palestinian statehood by the Holy See. The Vatican announced Saturday that its “Comprehensive Agreement” with the “State of Palestine” signed in June 2015 has come into full force, in which the Holy See bolstered …

Chuck Spinney – How Israel Killed the ‘Two-State Solution’

The radical Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebron present what is certainly a candidate for being the ugliest face of Israel’s creeping annexation of the West Bank. And, the expansion of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem has reached a point that renders the so-called Two State Solution an impossibility. The situation also recalls what General Yigael Yadin, Israel’s …

Goldman Sachs is funding Hebron settlers

For years American taxpayers have been bankrolling Jewish-only illegal settlements in the West Bank with hundreds of millions of dollars funneled through tax-exempt non-profit organizations (we’ve covered the issue on Mondoweiss since 2008). One of the organizations which is a frequent recipient of these donations is the Brooklyn-based Hebron Fund which supports Hebron’s settler community. Haaretz reports that Goldman Sachs has a “clear pattern” of giving to Israeli rightwing …

Sarah Lazare – Here’s What Happens When a U.S. Senator Calls for Israel to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy has piqued the temper of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and faces a rebuke from within his own party after demanding for an investigation into “gross violations of human rights” by Israel and Egypt, the top recipients of American military aid. Released just days after an Israeli soldier was recorded [3] extra-judicially assassinating a wounded Palestinian man in the …

ROBERT JENSEN – The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States

In the conflict over the land of Palestine, Israel’s overpowering military superiority has produced decisive battlefield victories. But just as crucial to Israeli dominance in that region is its supremacy in the U.S. news media, which is captured in the title of an important new film from the Media Education Foundation, “The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War …

Critics Aghast at ‘Disgusting Speech’ Clinton Just Gave to AIPAC

Palestinian and human rights advocates were aghast over remarks made by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention on Monday, saying the her speech represented “everything that is bad” with U.S. imperialism and policy in the Middle East. During the address, Clinton vowed to take the U.S.-Israel relationship to “the next level”—a …

Alan Hart – American Jews And Israel: A Divorce In The Making?

In a very interesting piece on his web site (Mondoweiss) Philip Weiss has speculated that the day is coming when American Jews will divorce Israel. If it really happens the president of the day will be free to use the leverage America has to cause or try to cause Israel to end its defiance of international law and denial of …

Parul VERMA – Why Israel Desperately Needs Palestine : Economic-Political-Psychological Analysis

The Palestinians have become a test and trial  population who are being subjected to the testing of heinous weapons being produced by Israel. The psychological camouflage  that is sustaining this laboratory testing on Palestinians is the “ existential threat card” being played by Israel (all for profitable measures)      Israel’s military occupation and confiscation of privately owned lands in the …

STephen Lendman – Israeli Forces Invade Palestinian Hospitals

Israel’s war on Palestine is a clear example of extrajudicial brutality, trampling on fundamental human rights, attacking defenseless people unaccountably, getting away with mass murder and other atrocities.  Under international law, hospitals are safe zones, protected spaces, off limits for military and police attacks and invasions. The 19th century Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and …

Yoav Litvin – The Violence, Crisis and Tragedy of Israeli Propaganda

In recent weeks the world is witnessing another round of violence in Israel/Palestine. Though we are accustomed to seeing the same tragic and violent scenario repeat itself, this time it is different. The current wave of resistance stems from anew generation of Palestinian activists who are not affiliated with a particular organization or faction. Protests include violent and nonviolent demonstrations …