Leid Stories – You Ain’t Heard Nothin’ Yet! It’s Debate Time on ‘Free Your Mind Friday!’ – 04.15.16

Think last night’s Clinton-Sanders faceoff was something? Well, you ain’t heard nothin’ yet! Hear the sparks fly on Leid Stories’ “Free Your Mind Friday,” the best people’s forum in Radioland. Great minds gather here at the end of the week to analyze and share information, opinions and ideas about news and issues that matter to our growing community. Callers decide what they want to talk about, and are free to take on other callers’ points of view. The battle of ideas is all done with great respect—and a generous helping of humor. Join in! Call 888-874-4888 and take your turn at the people’s podium!

Leid Stories – 03.31.15

Talking Things Out: It’s “Free Your Mind” Tuesday! Well, we’re making up for “Free Your Mind Fridays” that didn’t happen while PRN’s technological innards were being unscrambled, reassembled and installed. So, welcome to “Free Your Mind Tuesday!” Different day of the week, yes, but the same vibe. Bring your best ideas and opinions to the best open forum on the …