The Torch – 02.26.17

Opening; Welcome to The Torch, shining a blazing light of truth on the
murky waters of modern American politics. Comments are welcome Tweet
me @(at)pderienzo The issues today, What is Fascism and is President
Donal Trump a fascist, a harbinger of fascism or something different
altogether. Out guests this afternoon are distinguished historian at
Columbia University and author, among many books, of “The Anatomy of
Fascism.”What is fascism? By focusing on the concrete: what the fascists did,
rather than what they said, the esteemed historian Robert O. Paxton
answers this question for the first time. From the first violent
uniformed bands beating up “enemies of the state,” through Mussolini’s
rise to power, to Germany’s fascist radicalization in World War II,
Paxton shows clearly why fascists came to power in some countries and
not others, and explores whether fascism could exist outside the
early-twentieth-century European setting in which it emerged.

Cynthia Kaufman – Thinking About Fascism

The 2016 presidential election made me think about 1933 and Hitler’s rise to power. I’ve known that he came to power through constitutional means and then used that power from the inside to destroy a constitutional system of government.  This seemed like a good time to better understand the way that someone who was a megalomaniac, not taken seriously by …

ANDRE VLTCHEK – The West Spreads Intellectual Idiocy

Could any dictator desire more? Almost the entire population of the Empire is now thinking the same way! The populace is “educated” at schools and the universities staffed with submissive, and cowardly teachers and professors. The populace is “informed” by hundreds of thousands of servile journalists and “analysts”. There is almost no deviation from the official narrative. Congratulations, Western Empire! …