Russ Baker – Only “Lone Wolves” Commit Terror?

A new study demonstrates that those with terminal cancer do not necessarily benefit from chemotherapy. In fact, the results show just the opposite can occur. The closer the cancer patient is to death’s door, the more likely that chemotherapy will accelerate the dying process, as well as considerably affect their quality of life for the worse. The better their quality …

8 Vegetables That Are Better to Eat Raw By Reynard Loki

Cooking vegetables is usually a good idea: Heat breaks down cell walls, releasing antioxidants. But heating cruciferous vegetables (part of the Brassicae family) actually destroys their unique anti-carcinogenic potential. That’s because crucifers, unlike other types of vegetables, are high in glucosinolate, a plant compound that produces naturally occurring small molecules called isothiocyanates, which have been shown to fight cancer. “An …

More than a third of children were physically assaulted in the last year

More than a third of children and teens 17 and younger experienced a physical assault in the last year, primarily at the hands of siblings and peers, according to an article published online by JAMA Pediatrics. Violence against children is a national and international public health and public policy issue. The U.S. Department of Justice and Centers for Disease Control …

Roald Dahl and the Measles Factory – Keith Bell

Viruses like sugar. They bind to sugar. But it’s not a simple matter of dietary sugar. This article explores susceptibility to injury, including lethality, by measles and vaccination. It may come down to sugar. Roald Dahl, candy man author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” has done more to promote sugar consumption than any person in the history of art …

One Third of US Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: What is it, and why worry? – Dennis Thompson

More than one-third of U.S. adults have a combination of health problems collectively known as metabolic syndrome that increase the risk of heart diseaseand diabetes, according to new research. What’s worse, the researchers found the rate of metabolic syndrome increases dramatically with age. Almost half of people 60 or older in the United States have metabolic syndrome, the study found. “That’s concerning, …

Mainstream Media Predictably Ignores Problems with JAMA’s New Vaccine Study 4

They say this is the final nail is in the coffin of the vaccine safety debate. But whose coffin? Last week, JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, published a study claiming to have found no link between autism and the MMR vaccine (MMR stands for measles, mumps, and rubella). The mainstream press immediately fell into line and triumphantly declared the case closed. …

Autism and the Microbiome: Following the Clues of Damage – PART 1 – Teresa Conrick

I have a daughter who has a diagnosis of both  AUTISM and AUTOIMMUNITY. They are connected and not just for her but for thousands like her. Megan regressed after receiving a Thimerosal-containing Hib vaccine and the MMR vaccine in 1994 – crying, fever, full body rash, GI distress, losing speech, receptive language, eye contact and skills.  It also began the …

The medical cartel: too big to fail, too evil to expose – Jon Rappoport

There are several reasons why the medical cartel is too big to fail: the enormous amount of money at stake; its aim to control populations. In this article, I want to examine a related reason. Suppose it was discovered that thousands of bridges around the US were in imminent danger of collapsing? Not because maintenance and repair were lacking, not …

At least 29 million health records breached by overt criminal activity

Between 2010 and 2013, data breaches of protected health information reported by HIPAA-covered entities increased and involved approximately 29 million records, with most data breaches resulting from overt criminal activity, according to a study in the April 14 issue of JAMA. Reports of data breaches have increased during the past decade. Compared with other industries, these breaches are estimated to be …

Only 14% of people in Disneyland measles outbreak were unvaccinated, but it’s 100% their fault, claims propaganda

A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics claims to delineate the source and spread of measles during the widely hyped Disneyland measles outbreak, of course blaming the unvaccinated for this ridiculous non-event. But the data points presented in the study reveal that the vast majority of those who caught measles had previously been vaccinated, and yet the outbreak is still somehow …