Eiichiro Ochiai – Fukushima Radiation Looms. No Nuclear Power Plant On Planet Earth! “The Incompatibility of Radiation with Human Life”

“Why is radiation incompatible with life?  If this tenet is correct, nuclear power (both weapon and electricity-producing) should not be allowed to exist on this earth, as they produce radionuclides as their by-products.  We will look into this issue from a scientific standpoint.” I.  Introduction Science has advanced since the beginning of 20th century, and led to the current atomic …

Junaid Ghoto – The Myth of India as an Upcoming Asian Economic Powerhouse. Rising Poverty and Social Inequality

Regret or not, but it is important to see where India stands today, the idea to write regarding this is to differentiate the illusion from fact and give reason so the sane understanding follows. A nation is called developing not because of its population, or defense budget, but how good the people fare in that country; it is about the …

Calvin Sloan – Fossil Fuel Industry Has Known Since 1967 That Injection Wells Cause Earthquakes, Despite Denials

On August 9, 1967, a 5.5 magnitude earthquake struck Northglenn, a northern suburb of Denver, Colorado. The Associated Press wrote that it was “the severest earthquake ever recorded” in the city’s history. Building foundations cracked, windows broke, bricks flew off of downtown rooftops. A year later in the prominent academic journal “Science,” geophysicist J.H. Healy and his associates proposed that …

AI & Biotech: Striking a Technological Balance of Power

November 26, 2016 (Tony Cartalucci – LocalOrg) – During World War 2, nations desperately raced to harness the atom. The United State ultimately won that race, and during their victory lap – being the sole nation to possess nuclear weapons – used them against their enemy Japan – twice. Tens of thousands of lives were extinguished in the blink of an …

Visionaries – 10.24.16

“Bill Katavolos.” Futurist William Katavolos is a professor in the School of Architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn New York. He is an innovative futurist, designer, architect, and teacher, and one of the most imaginative minds of our time. His work and thinking range from chairs in New York’s Museum of Modern Art to 240 mile tall buildings; from furniture made from chemicals with memory to buildings made from water. Find more at: http://www.pratt.digitalfutures.info/william-katavolos-the-new-palladio-poesis-versus-noesis-part-1-of-12/

Resistance Radio – Emanuel Pastreich – 10.30.16

Emanuel Pastreich is the director of the Asia Institute in Seoul, Korea, a think tank that has made the environment and technological change in Asia its central concern. Originally a scholar of classical Chinese literature, and more broadly Asian literature, he has advocated for closer cooperation across Asia to address the profound challenges of our age. He is fluent in Chinese, Japanese and Korean and has recently published a book in Chinese in which he advocates for a new vision of the Chinese economy based in part on traditional Chinese ideas about ecology from Confucianism and Daoism.

Chinese official who hoarded cash convicted of corruption

A former senior Chinese energy official found to have more than 200 million yuan ($29.99 million) in cash at his home has been given a suspended death penalty after being found guilty of corruption, state news agency Xinhua said on Monday. Wei Pengyuan had been deputy director of the coal department at the National Energy Administration until he was put …

Nuclear watchdog eyes standards for reactor shutdown in fear of giant volcanic eruption

The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) held a meeting of a panel of outside experts on Oct. 17 to start considering the formulation of standards for ordering a nuclear power plant to shut down in preparation for a giant volcanic eruption. Arguing that there is a high possibility of smaller volcanic eruptions occurring ahead of a giant eruption, the expert panel …

JOHN ROGERS – Which States are the Most Energy-Efficient? A “Dramatic Photo Finish,” and a Tie for Top Honors

Some people get excited about fall because of the beautiful foliage, the delightful blend of sunny days and crisp cool nights, and the bountiful harvests of apples and other tasty treats. I love all that, too. But I also enjoy this time of year because it brings the annual assessment of how states are doing on energy efficiency. And this …