A federal judge yesterday sentenced former Rep. Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville), a 24-year congressional veteran, to five years in prison for creating a bogus charity that was to provide scholarships for poor students but instead turned it into an $800,000 slush fund for herself. If stealing $800,000 from a so-called charity gets a former member of Congress five years in a …
Michael Payne – A party of control-obsessed politicians take charge – dark times ahead for America
There have been times in this nation’s history – at the onset of the Civil War, the Great Depression of the 1930s, the assassination of President Kennedy, and the aftermath of the 911 tragedy – when Americans were full of apprehension and possessed a great deal of fear about the direction in which this country was heading. In the America …
MELVIN GOODMAN – Trump’s Campaign of Militarization
President-elect Donald Trump’s authoritarian style and personality, which attracted an overwhelmingly authoritarian following, is manifesting itself in the selection of his national security team. The appointment of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as the national security adviser is particularly worrisome because of the general’s lack of experience in strategic policy and his controversial stewardship as the director of the Defense Intelligence …
When The Shouting Stops
I’ve been trying for some time now to understand the reaction of Hillary Clinton’s supporters to her defeat in last week’s election. At first, I simply dismissed it as another round of the amateur theatrics both parties indulge in whenever they lose the White House. Back in 2008, as most of my readers will doubtless recall, Barack Obama’s victory was …
Jessica Shankleman – China Tells Trump That Climate Change Is No Hoax It Invented
China couldn’t have invented global warming as a hoax to harm U.S. competitiveness because it was Donald Trump’s Republican predecessors who started climate negotiations in the 1980s, China’s Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said. U.S. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush supported the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in initiating global warming talks even before China knew that negotiations …
PAUL STREET – The Long Death March of the Dismal Dollar Democrats
Listening to the reigning corporate media’s political reporting and commentary leading up the 2016 elections, you might have thought that the Republican Party was on the verge of collapse thanks to its internecine war over the outrageous Donald Trump. Hello? Look now: the GOP has won the White House, retained both wings of Congress, and will soon enough hold down …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.10.16
ANOTHER STRIPPED & FLIPPED ELECTION? We’re joined by my election theft co-author BOB FITRAKIS to sort through the rubble of the 2016 election.
Branko Marcetic – 3 Reasons To Be Worried About Blackstone Group
Buried among the thousands of John Podesta’s emails released over the last week, you’ll find a short, revealing exchange between Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress and Clinton advisor-in-waiting. “I saw Jon Grey [sic] today,” writes Podesta. “We both sang your praises.” “He’s a really good guy,” she replies. “And given he …
Clinton Campaign to Republican Donors: Hillary Shares Your Values
Late last week, Politico reported that Clinton operatives have initiated efforts to “peel off establishment Republicans who might otherwise grudgingly support Trump,” demonstrating their eagerness to win over big money donors previously wedded to the conservative establishment. Specifically, Clinton supporters have been targeting the donor base of Jeb Bush, whose main super PAC raised a striking $121 million, much of it before the race for the Republican …
Wall Street Donors Flocking to Clinton
Now that Donald Trump has secured his position as the presumptive Republican nominee, Wall Street donors are fleeing the party and throwing their support behind Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. A Wall Street Journal analysis published late Sunday found that the former secretary of state “has raised $4.2 million in total from Wall Street, $344,000 of which was contributed in March alone.” In fact, …