GARY LEUPP – Proposed Text for an Effective Anti-Hillary TV Ad

Just some ideas for a television ad, for anyone opposing Wall Street’s candidate to use as they like. * * * They talk about Hillary Clinton’s “experience”—like experience is always a good thing. [selected clips of politicians and others citing her “experience” as the crucial thing] But what is Hillary’s experience, really? As First Lady she promoted health care reform, …

James W Carden – The GOP’s ‘Pitchfork’ Rebellion

In spring 2003, the journalist and former George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum published acontroversial essay in the pages of the conservative house organ, National Review. In the frenzied run-up to the Iraq War, Frum, branded a number of antiwar conservatives like Patrick Buchanan, the columnist Robert Novak and the libertarian journalist Justin Raimondo as “unpatriotic conservatives.” Indeed, Frum went so far …

Leid Stories – 02.22.16

Haiti’s Interim President Jocelerme Privert’s Ties to Washington

The Nevada Primary: Race to the Finish for Republicans and Democrats

Hillary Clinton’s handpicked president of Haiti, Michel Martelly, prohibited by law to seek reelection after his five-year term, unwillingly left office Feb. 7, leaving behind a leadership vacuum and a nation mired in poverty, corruption, political chaos, protests and partisan violence. Haiti’s Parliament named Jocelerme Privert, president of the National Assembly, interim president on Feb. 14, and immediately he began talking about putting the nation on the right track. But Kim Ives, editor of Haïti Liberté, reports that many are concerned about Privert’s ties to Washington.

The Feb. 20 primary elections in Nevada netted wins for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, a fatal blow to Jeb Bush’s candidacy, and incontrovertible proof that race matters in America. Leid Stories explains.

MICHAEL DALY – Trump Won’t Name Any of the ‘Hundreds of Friends’ He Says Died on 9/11

If the GOP front runner lost hundreds of friends on 9/11, and donated hundreds of millions of dollars to 9/11 victims, there’s no public record of it. Two days after Donald Trump claimed that he “lost hundreds of friends” at the World Trade Center as a result of the 9/11 attack, his campaign continued to ignore a Daily Beast request that he …

The Gary Null Show – 02.17.16

Roger Stone is a renowned political consultant, lobbyist, GOP campaign strategist and author who has worked intimately as a senior staffer on eight national election campaigns including Presidents Nixon, Reagan and George Bush Senior. He was the keeper of the Nixon’s flame during Nixon’s post presidential years, serving as Nixon’s man in Washington. He has worked on many election campaigns and was instrumental in the bringing down of Elliott Spitzer’s governership. Roger has since left the GOP and is aligned with the Libertarian Party. He publishes articles for the Huffington Post, the Daily Caller, his site and has been profiled in numerous television programs, newspapers and magazines. His previous books have focused on the JFK assassination and the Clinton family, and his most recent book is “Jeb and the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an American Dynasty” which gives a long historical look at family corruption from great grandfather Samuel Bush to George Jr and Jeb Bush today.

Barry Grey – Wall Street donors account for 40 percent of super PAC funds in US election

The 2016 US election campaign has exposed deep-seated popular alienation from the entire political establishment and growing anger over the domination of US society and politics by Wall Street. Democratic contender Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a democratic socialist, has capitalized on this sentiment by basing his campaign on denunciations of the “billionaire class” and an electoral process dominated by …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.04.16


We are concerned about the reported outcome of the Iowa caucuses and what that might mean for the general election. With the great GREG PALAST and BOB FITRAKIS, and with READER SUPPORTED NEWS reporter SCOTT GALINDEZ we explore what really happened with the vote count there.

We also ask the $64 trillion question: CAN BERNIE WIN IN A “STRIP & FLIP” ELECTRONIC SELECTION?

We look the impact of stripping the voter rolls and flipping the vote count from the 2000 and 2004 presidential thefts for George W. Bush, and see what the implications might be for 2016. It’s not a pretty picture.

Donald Trump is a fraud: Report confirms the billionaire’s presidential bid is a long and calculated con job

Everything Trump has done during the campaign is designed to dupe the media into funding his marketing strategy SEAN ILLING Donald Trump’s presidential campaign feels whimsical, like a practical joke or publicity tour gone awry. But it turns out the Donald is running a long con. A newreport in Politico suggests Trump has been plotting this stunt for years, and he …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 02.01.16

Jeb and the Bush Crime Family & Hillary’s Clinton foundation

Guest 1: Roger Stone, a seasoned political operative and pundit. A veteran of eight national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents before leaving the GOP for the Libertarian Party. He is author of the New York Times bestseller The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.

Bringing back state banks

Guest 2: Ellen Brown, Founder of the Public Banking Institute, Brown is the author of Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution. She recently appeared on The Real News: “Can Clinton Be Trusted to Regulate the Industry That Made Her Wealthy?”

Jim Hightower – While soldiers who go to war risk death, the big corporations that go to war reap perpetual profits.

War is hell. Unless, of course, you happen to be a global corporate peddler of rockets, drones, bombs, and all the other hellish weaponry of military conflict. In that case, war is manna from hell. So bring it on. Indeed, it seems as if Beelzebub himself is in charge these days, with U.S. military forces enmeshed in at least 135 countries in …