Jonathan Cook – In Israel, an ugly tide sweeps over Palestinians

In Israel’s evermore tribal politics, there is no such thing as a “good” Arab — and the worst failing in a Jew is to be unmasked as an “Arab lover.” Or so was the message last week from Isaac Herzog, head of Israel’s so-called peace camp. The shock waves of popular anger at the recent indictment of an Israeli army …

Jeffrey Cohan – Judaism and Veganism: Time for a Reunion

A DIVINITY STUDENT from a Presbyterian seminary approached me one day and made a surprising comment. “I’m so impressed,” he said, “with the emphasis that Judaism places on treating animals with compassion.” I didn’t know whether to kvell (feel pride) or to cry. Kvell, because all levels of Jewish texts, from the Torah on down, express incredible sensitivity for the welfare of animals. The divinity …

Goldman Sachs is funding Hebron settlers

For years American taxpayers have been bankrolling Jewish-only illegal settlements in the West Bank with hundreds of millions of dollars funneled through tax-exempt non-profit organizations (we’ve covered the issue on Mondoweiss since 2008). One of the organizations which is a frequent recipient of these donations is the Brooklyn-based Hebron Fund which supports Hebron’s settler community. Haaretz reports that Goldman Sachs has a “clear pattern” of giving to Israeli rightwing …

Sarah Lazare – Here’s What Happens When a U.S. Senator Calls for Israel to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy has piqued the temper of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and faces a rebuke from within his own party after demanding for an investigation into “gross violations of human rights” by Israel and Egypt, the top recipients of American military aid. Released just days after an Israeli soldier was recorded [3] extra-judicially assassinating a wounded Palestinian man in the …

JAMES KIRCHICK – Donald J. Trump Is the L. Ron Hubbard of Politics

Is Donald Trump the new George Wallace? Silvio Berlusconi? Adolf Hitler? Could be. But at least as much as a southern segregationist, rich pervert turned politico, or genocidal fascist, Trump resembles L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the pyramid-scheme-masquerading-as-religion known as Scientology. Consider: both men are (or, in Hubbard’s case, were) narcissistic, autocratic, money-obsessed, pathological liars and would-be sexual conquerors who …

Why People Don’t Take Right-Wing Evangelicals So Seriously Anymore

Back before 9/11 indelibly linked Islam with terrorism, back before the top association to “Catholic priest” was “pedophile,” most Americans—even nonreligious Americans—thought of religion as benign. I’m not religious myself, people would say, but what’s the harm if it gives someone else a little comfort or pleasure. Back then, people associated Christianity with kindness and said things like, “That’s not very Christian …

Dr. Glen T. Martin – Hillary, Bernie, and the World Federalist Vision: Whom Should We Support?

There are people who think it would be great to have a women in the White House. But not all women embody the traits that we often associate with women. For example, psychologist Carol Gilligan, in her ground-breaking book In a Different Voice, argues that women emphasize relationships, caring, social cooperation, and harmony much more than men. [1] This may well …

Economic Update – How Markets Fail – 01.31.16

Updates on Johnson Controls Corp evades taxes, Disney sued over abuse of HB-1 visa system, French workers strike against austerity and against socialist government; response to listeners on tax-subsidies for churches and lessons of Israel’s kibbutz experience, Major discussion of (a) 5 major market failures, and (b) major change in UK Labor Party policy favoring worker coops

Philip Weiss – The world the settlers made

Shiloh The first order of business in my third settlement is to get a bottle of wine. Avi drives me down the hill to visit the wine presses of a fellow American immigrant. We pass a group of Palestinian workers leaving a building site with a Jewish security guard and Avi shakes his head over the practice.unfinished house across the …