Leid Stories – 11.16.15

Terrorist Attacks in Paris and the Rise of the Orwellian State;
Democratic 2016 Candidates Go Blank on Foreign Policy and Rise of ISIS
French journalist Gilbert Mercier, cofounder and editor in chief of the independent online magazine News Junkie Post, says that Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris that claimed the lives of more than 130 people will be used by France and other global powers to justify unprecedented authoritarian rule. Mercier recently published The Orwellian Empire.
The second Q&A session (not “debate”) with Democratic presidential hopefuls Saturday—featuring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley—astutely avoided making any connection between U.S. foreign policy and the rise of ISIS.

Ask Beatty – 11.09.15

How honest are we with ourselves and with others? How important to you is truth and honesty? How do we learn to trust others if they betray us? Does it concern you that Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and others are blatantly lying to us about parts of their history? Or do we care that Bernie Sanders doesn’t kiss babies? Beatty asks you to consider these important questions, which invariably affect all of our relationships.

Jan Resseger – Plutocrats in NYC Wielding Power, Buying the Airwaves, and Trashing Public Schools Again

Public schools are among the primary institutions that serve the families in the 99 Percent.  As primarily middle class institutions, they are coming under attack from the One Percent, the plutocrats—both Republican and Democrats—who control the levers of power. In a piece earlier this week the NY Times profiled 158 families across the country who have provided nearly half of …

Matt Taibbi – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up

The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …

MATT TAIBBI – Hillary Clinton’s Take on Banks Won’t Hold Up

The inaugural Democratic debate Tuesday night was a strange show. It felt like two different programs. One was a screwball comedy starring red-faced ex-Marine Jim Webb and retired Keebler elf Lincoln Chafee, whose Rhode Island roots highlighted the Farrelly brothers feel of his performance. The latter’s “I voted to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act because it was my first day at …

Paul Craig Roberts – This Has Become Routine

In his comment on the mass shootings at the Oregon community college, President Obama said: “This has become routine.” So have police shootings of unarmed and unresisting Americans. So have numerous other undesirable and deplorable happenings, such as the foreclosure on the homes of millions of Americans, while the “banks too big to fail” are bailed out with trillions of …

Alternative Visions – “Is the ‘Labor for Bernie’ Campaign Catching Fire?’ – 09.11.15

Jack Rasmus interviews Rand Wilson, a lead organizing for ‘Labor For Bernie Sanders’ campaign on the east coast. Rand describes the latest events to build union support for the Sanders campaign, currently being organized by the core 7500 public endorsers who comprise the ‘Labor for Bernie’ group. A conference call last week by the group included 26,000 supporters, according to Rand, who called in to listen to Sanders explain why he’s the best pro-labor candidate in the upcoming 2016 election. Already receiving significant support from white supporters nationwide in his round of speaking tours, Sanders may now be receiving notable support from at least certain segments of the unions, including Nurses, Postal, and Transport workers. Rand describes what’s going on currently in union circles to build support and endorsements for Sanders, how Sanders’ positions differ from Hillary Clinton’s, and how Sanders, unlike Clinton, refuses to take corporate money. Also unlike Clinton, Rand explains, Sanders wants to build a grass roots movement, a ‘political revolution’ in Sanders’ own words, from the bottom up. Jack raises the question whether this grass roots movement and ‘revolution’ is just a ‘Sanders election’ effort, or whether it is viewed by the ‘Labor for Bernie’ group and its organizers as the start of something longer term, beyond the upcoming Democratic party primaries, that intends to unify not only local unions but other single issue community based protest movements.”

Listeners interested in finding out more about the ‘Labor for Bernie’ organization and efforts, go to www.laborforbernie.org and to the Sanders website for his positions on workers rights atwww.berniesanders.com.

Rand Wilson is a member of SEIU 888 representing higher education workers, and has a long union activist history working for the Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers, SEIU, Teamsters, Jobs for Justice organizing, and the AFLCIO campaign to defend against the Bush attacks on Social Security in the previous decade.

Matt Taibbi – The rise of Trump obliterates all other issues — campaign 2016 is now almost entirely about race

ABC News published an intriguing poll the other day, one that spelled out a growing racial divide: “Nonwhites see Trump negatively by a vast 17-79 percent… That said, whites are the majority group – 64 percent of the adult population – and they now divide evenly on Trump, 48-49 percent, favorable-unfavorable. Clinton, by contrast, is far more unpopular than Trump …

Leid Stories – 08.24.15

St. Louis Police Killing of Mansur Ball-Bey: We Reveals New Details

Party Pooper?: Biden’s Possible Run Confirms Hillary Clinton’s Vulnerability

Mansur Ball-Bey, 18, was shot dead by police Aug. 19 during a house raid. Two police officers involved in the shooting say he aimed at them with a gun and they fired in self-defense. Witnesses, however, have said the Ball-Bay was not armed. The killing has reignited tensions locally and nationally about police use of force.

The deck’s getting stacked against Hillary Clinton. A campaign scrambling to hold itself together in the face of self-inflicted political wounds, the upsurge in Bernie Sanders’ popularity, a growing unease about her among highly placed fellow Democrats, and the wait-and-see attitudes of major endorsers is now rattled by the possibility that Vice President Joe Biden will run.

Leid Stories says that whether he runs or not, the mere discussion of a Biden candidacy confirms the Democratic Party’s recognition that Clinton is carrying way more baggage than it can carry.

Eric Draitser – ISIS in Afghanistan: Proxy War against Iran and China

The nature of the war in Afghanistan has shifted dramatically in recent months. While the US and NATO continue to be actively involved in the country – their strategic objectives having changed very little since the Bush administration launched the war nearly a decade and a half ago – the complexion of the battlefield, and the parties actively engaged in …