Alison Rose Levy – In This Election, the Climate Should Trump Everything Else

Remember the good old days when climate change was something that would occur a century or more in the future? Something we could avoid if we played our cards right? As the years rolled by, the time between us and that faraway future bedeviling our great-grandchildren first shortened and then disappeared. In an April 2015 studypublished in Nature, climate scientists wrote …

Nika Knight – Scientists Say Expect More 1,000-Year Events Like Louisiana Flood

Parts of Louisiana’s disastrous, ongoing flooding has been upgraded by meteorologists to once-in-1,000-years rainfall, with other areas classified as 500-year and 100-year events, reported Monday, as scientists warn that such storms are growing more and more frequent as the planet heats up. “On Tuesday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is set to classify the Louisiana disaster as the eighth flood considered to be a once-in-every-500-years event to …

INSTITUTE INDEX: How politicians helped create a climate of hate for LGBT people

Number of people killed in the June 12 massacre at Pulse, an LGBT dance club in Orlando, Florida, by a man who reportedly expressed animus toward LGBT people and who may have been a gay or bisexual person himself: 49 Number of people injured in the shooting, which took place on the club’s Latin-themed night and whose victims were overwhelmingly Latino: more than 50 Rank of …